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    Title: 公益群眾募資平台知覺價值、信任與捐贈意圖之研究
    Perceived Value, Trust and Donation Intention of Donation-based Crowdfunding
    Authors: 李穎琪
    Lei, Weng-Kei
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Lei, Weng-Kei
    Keywords: 群眾募資
    Non-profit organizations
    Crowdfunding platforms
    Perceived value
    Donation intention
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:43:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 非營利組織受限於人力緊縮、資金短缺、勸募不易等現況,長期面臨運營與發展困境,因此不少非營利組織希望借助網路及社群媒體的力量,建立並發掘更多關心社會議題的潛在受眾。
    Non-profit organizations often face operational and developmental challenges due to limited manpower, insufficient funding, and difficulties in fundraising. To address these issues, many non-profit organizations seek to leverage the power of the internet and social media to engage and reach potential audiences who are concerned about social issues.
    Crowdfunding platforms provide a new possibility for dialogue between non-profit organizations and donors. By reading detailed descriptions of assistance projects on the platform, donors can understand the value of their contributions and gain a deeper understanding of where their donations are directed, thus enhancing their confidence in giving. This study aims to investigate whether the perceived value generated by donors after browsing crowdfunding platforms influences their donation intentions. Additionally, trust is considered as a mediating factor to explore its underlying mechanisms.
    A questionnaire survey method was adopted, and a total of 457 valid responses were collected. The results indicate that perceived value has a significant positive impact on trust and donation intention. Furthermore, trust positively influences donation intention and partially mediates the relationship between perceived value and donation intention. This research sheds light on the process of forming intrinsic donation intentions in individuals, revealing the immense potential of crowdfunding as a channel for resource mobilization.
    Reference: 一、中文文獻

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