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Title: | 社交媒體時代下新聞報導的消息來源引述與守門機制 Source citation and gatekeeping of news in the era of social media |
Authors: | 周孟瑤 Chou, Meng-Yao |
Contributors: | 鄭宇君 Cheng, Yu-Chung 周孟瑤 Chou, Meng-Yao |
Keywords: | 社交媒體 網路原生媒體 媒體偏向 消息來源 守門監看 digitally native news media gatewatching media bias news source social media |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:43:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的在於探討傳統媒體網路新聞與網路原生媒體如何引用社交媒體上的內容做為消息來源,而引用社交媒體的內容作為報導內容或主題之時,這些新聞報導如何在社交媒體中被分享。 本研究以2021年的珍愛藻礁公投為例,並以傳統媒體電子報(自由時報、聯合報、中時電子報)與網路原生媒體(ETtoday新聞雲)為新聞樣本蒐集來源進行分析。研究設計主要採用內容分析法,首先,從上述四家媒體篩選相關報導,檢視這些報導使用的消息來源、報導立場、報導框架等。其次,分析新聞報導超連結在社交媒體分享的狀況,進一步探討這些報導超連結如何在社交媒體上被擴散,藉此觀察這些報導在社交媒體上的守門情形。 本研究發現,傳統媒體與網路原生媒體所使用的消息來源並無太大差異,主要仍以傳播的記者會、新聞稿、面訪或電訪為主,但二者皆會使用消息來源在社交媒體發佈內容作為報導內容,第二,政黨偏向的媒體對於公投的立場已然明確,這使得他們會傾向選用特定立場的專家學者做為主要消息來源。最後,在社交媒體上分享數多的報導,多數是被網民或粉專製作成「迷因」分享,才容易引起更多人觀看。 This study seeks to understand how traditional online media and digital-native media utilize content from social media platforms as sources for news reporting, and to investigate how these reports, when referencing content from social media, are shared within the social media landscape. Using the 2021 algal reef preservation referendum as a case study, the research collects news articles from traditional outlets like Liberty Times, United Daily News, and China Times, and digital-native outlets such as ETtoday News. Employing content analysis, it assesses the sources, journalistic stances, and narrative framing of articles, while also analyzing the sharing dynamics of these articles on social platforms. The results suggest a minor variance in source selection between traditional and digital-native media. Both prominently use press conferences, press releases, and interviews, but also incorporate content from social media. Notably, media with political leanings display evident biases in the referendum. This bias influences their tendency to select experts and scholars who align with their particular viewpoints as primary sources. Lastly, articles with a high share count on social media platforms are often transformed into memes by netizens or fan pages, thereby garnering more attention and engagement. |
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