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    Title: 以創新擴散觀點探討臺北市田園城市政策的社會行銷策略
    Exploring the Social Marketing Strategy of Taipei`s Garden City Policy from the Perspective of Innovation Diffusion
    Authors: 王若茵
    Wang, Zur-ying
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Huang, Wei-Wei
    Wang, Zur-ying
    Keywords: 創新擴散
    Diffusion of Innovation
    Social Marketing
    Garden Citiy policy
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:41:59 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著氣候變遷的影響,環境與永續相關政策在各城市中擴展開來,而田園城市做為一項因應氣候變遷之政策,對於臺北市民眾而言在高樓大廈的都市中種植蔬菜是一項創新的政策,這項政策打破了城市與鄉村既有的想像。
    With the impact of climate change, policies related to the environment and sustainability have been expanding in various cities. One innovative policy in response to climate change is the implementation of the Garden Citiy, where residents in Taipei are encouraged to grow vegetables in high-rise buildings within the urban setting , challenging traditional urban and rural distinctions..
    This study aims to understand how the Garden Citiy policy in Taipei is formed and implemented through a review of relevant literature. Additionally, using the perspective of innovation diffusion theory, the study examines the process and background of the policy`s diffusion, the channels through which it spreads, and the factors influencing its diffusion. The study also analyzes the stages of the innovation decision-making process, as proposed by Rogers, to understand how Taipei residents accept the policy and their level of awareness and participation in the dissemination of information related to the Garden Citiy. Furthermore, the study explores the intervention of social marketing strategies in the process of innovative diffusion of the Taipei’s Garden Citiy policy. The research investigates the policy planning, execution models and processes, as well as the challenges faced in implementing the Garden Citiy policy in Taipei. The research methodology adopts a qualitative approach, utilizing case studies, secondary data, and in-depth interviews for analysis.
    The study findings reveal the need to strengthen the diffusion of the Garden Citiy policy in Taipei. Currently, the diffusion primarily relies on government departments and rural bases, resulting in a predominantly elderly population participating in community activities. Furthermore, the promotional efforts fail to attract the younger demographic, creating a disparity in policy adoption. The Garden Citiy policy possesses multiple values, which generate positive perceptions among the public. However, during the decision-making stage, people consider the issue of convenience, which affects their willingness to participate. Convenience factors include the time required and the proximity of the rural bases. By addressing these factors and enhancing incentives, the opportunities for diffusion can be increased.
    During the execution stage, the acceptance rate of the Garden Citiy policy is still in its early stages, posing a crucial time for bridging the gap. Failure to bridge this gap could lead to the gradual disappearance of the policy. At this stage, marketing strategies can encourage more people to participate. Policy promoters must address issues such as limited space. The inability to diffuse the policy can be attributed to the lack of differentiated marketing strategies for different target audiences and the failure to reach a broader population through channels and promotions.
    For future policy social marketing strategies, this study recommends improving the convenience of the policy and defining clear target audiences to activate channels proactively. Creative elements should be incorporated into promotional efforts.
    Reference: 王文科(2001)。教育研究法(第六版)。臺北:五南。
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