题名: | 數位媒體時代媒體購買產業營運模式之建構 Constructing the Business Model for Media Buying Agencies in the Era of Digital Media |
作者: | 詹琇閔 Chan, Hsiu-Min |
贡献者: | 鄭自隆 Cheng, Tzu-Leong 詹琇閔 Chan, Hsiu-Min |
关键词: | 媒體代理商 營運模式 修正式德菲法 媒體購買 media agency business model modified Delphi method media buying |
日期: | 2023 |
上传时间: | 2023-09-01 15:40:43 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 隨著數位廣告量的增加,以及新媒體與技術的快速發展,消費者的媒體使用習慣正在大幅變化,媒體代理商在此數位科技浪潮下,不僅面臨核心價值的挑戰,更要應對同業的競爭及客戶端行銷策略的轉變,使得媒體代理商所面臨的轉型壓力愈趨明顯。 本研究以營運模式(Business Model)為主要理論架構,以修正式德菲法和半結構式深度訪談為主要研究方法, 探討媒體代理商在數位轉型過程中的各項關鍵因素,並透過產業專家共同的檢驗,建構具專家一致性共識之媒體購買產業營運模式指標體系,共包括九大構面五十一項評估指標,提供媒體代理商作為營運策略規劃與調整的參考。 研究結果發現,在數位媒體時代下媒體購買產業營運的重要關鍵包含: 1.核心價值由資源的累積與談判,轉向全方位數位行銷專業知識力 2.積極佈局與整合數位技術與數據夥伴,提供全方位整合服務 3.人才菁英化,人才培訓以及招募策略重要性提升 4.發展獨家媒體商品與服務,創造差異化與利基點 With the increase in digital advertising market size and the rapid development of new media and technology, consumers` media usage habits are undergoing significant changes. Media agencies are facing not only challenges to their core values but also competition from peers and changes in client marketing strategies. This makes the transformation pressure on media agencies increasingly evident. This study takes the business model as the main theoretical framework and uses the modified delphi method and semi-structured interviews as the main research methods. It explores the key factors that media agencies face in the digital transformation process. Through the collective examination of industry experts, a media buying industry business model indicator system with expert consensus is constructed. It includes nine dimensions and fifty-one evaluation indicators, providing media agencies with a reference for operational strategy planning and adjustment. The research findings indicate that the important key factors in the operation of the media buying industry in the digital advertising era include: 1.Shifting the core value from the accumulation of resources and negotiations to comprehensive expertise in digital marketing. 2.Actively deploying and integrating digital technologies and data partners to provide comprehensive integrated services. 3.Enhancing the importance of talent excellence, talent training, and recruitment strategies. 4.Developing exclusive media products and services to create differentiation and niche points. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 106464025 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106464025 |
数据类型: | thesis |
显示于类别: | [傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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