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Title: | 美國如何實踐《臺灣關係法》? 川普政府的實踐與對拜登政府的意涵 How Does the United States Practice the Taiwan Relations Act to Engage with Taiwan? The Case Study of the Trump Administration and Its Implications for the Biden Administration |
Authors: | 周德義 Zhou, De-Yi |
Contributors: | 吳崇涵 Wu, Chong-Han 周德義 Zhou, De-Yi |
Keywords: | 臺灣關係法 戰略模糊 雙重嚇阻 戰略清晰 川普政府 拜登政府 美中競爭 威脅平衡論 The Taiwan Relations Act Strategic Ambiguity Dual Deterrence Strategic Clarity The Trump Administration The Biden Administration U.S.-China Rivalry Balance of Threat Theory |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:31:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由美國第96屆國會於44年前所制定的《臺灣關係法》,已成為華盛頓在承認北京下維持與臺北非官方但實質性關係的基石。自1979以來,《臺灣關係法》的模糊框架整體上確保了臺灣海峽的和平穩定,並使華盛頓的兩岸政策產生「雙重嚇阻」之效果。
本文透過質型研究方法說明三個主要發現。首現,川普政府之所以大幅提升與臺灣的關係,是華盛頓圍堵由習近平領導的中國所構成之威脅的理性外交政策手段之一。 其次,川普政府在謹慎的基礎上比其前任更彈性地運用《臺灣關係法》,且由國會制定的與臺灣有關之法案可被視為對《臺灣關係法》模糊措辭的實質性補充。 最後,拜登政府截至目前在很多層面延續川普的做法,但其已把《臺灣關係法》 的安全條文解釋到最大限度,特別是在處理華盛頓長年履行的「戰略模糊」上。拜登亦在其以多邊為導向的圍堵中國政策下,把可能發生的兩岸衝突國際化。 Crafted by the 96th U.S. Congress forty-four years ago, the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) has served as the cornerstone for Washington’s maintenance of its unofficial yet substantive relations with Taipei despite recognizing Beijing. The ambiguous framework of the TRA has generally ensured peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait since 1979 and created the effect of “dual deterrence” for Washington’s cross-Strait policy.
Yet, the TRA is facing major challenges today. Under the tectonic long-term competition in which Washington and Beijing have fallen into the “Thucydides’s Trap,” the U.S. policy toward Taiwan entered a new phase during President Donald Trump’s one-term presidency, which has continued since Joe Biden took office in 2021. Although U.S.-Taiwan relations during the Biden administration will progress steadily and show a high degree of continuity, the facts are even more puzzling. On the one hand, the Biden administration has continued to uphold the framework of the TRA by selling arms to Taiwan, exchanging high-level officials visits between the two sides, and supporting Taiwan to safeguard and expand its international space. On the other hand, whether his oral pledges are deliberate or gaffe, Biden has repeatedly stated that if Beijing uses force to invade Taiwan, the U.S. will defend Taiwan militarily, which seems to contradict the spirit of the TRA.
Why did the U.S. significantly increase its relations with Taiwan during Trump’s presidency? How did the Trump administration practice the TRA to engage with Taiwan compared to previous U.S. administrations? What does this mean for the Biden administration, which has been in power for about two and a half years? How is Biden’s Taiwan policy different from Trump’s administration?
This study indicates three main findings through the qualitative methodology. First, the reason why the Trump administration greatly deepened ties with Taiwan, is one of the rational foreign policy means for Washington to contain the threat posed by Xi’s China. Second, the Trump administration has been more elastic in its use of the TRA than its predecessors on a prudent basis, and the Taiwan-related legislations crafted by Congress can be seen as substantive supplements to the TRA’s obscure wording.
Third, the Biden administration has so far continued the practice of Trump’s in many respects, yet it has interpreted the TRA’s security wording into its maximum magnitude, in particular the handling of Washington’s longstanding “strategic ambiguity.” Biden has also internationalized the conceivable cross-Strait conflict under his multilateral-oriented containment policy on China. |
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