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    Title: 教師作為知識分子之認同形構:以2014反課綱微調運動為例
    Identity Formation of High School Teachers: An Example of Anti-2014 Curriculum Alteration Movement.
    Authors: 張瑞晨
    Chang, Ruei-Chen
    Contributors: 苗延威
    Miao, Yen-Wei
    Chang, Ruei-Chen
    Keywords: 公民與社會科
    Civics and Society
    Anti-2014 Curriculum Alteration Movement
    Teacher identity
    Critical pedagogy
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:29:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在2014年2月以前很難想像會有公民老師群聚在教育部外面抗議的行動,也許更多年以後國人仍會訝異,而官方堅持公佈實施103課綱微調時應該也無法料到這件事後來還引發高中生闖進教育部這樣劇烈的行動,行動教師或學生都主張教育部違反程序正義、微調課綱內容富含特定國族意識型態,運動中教師走出校園與社會團體合作行動,希望大眾能更加關注微調課綱充斥的不正義問題。我國教師發起社會運動的案例實屬罕見,透過社會運動去瞭解教師認同的研究更加少見。
    Prior to February 2014, it had been hardly imaginable that civic teachers would have protested outside the headquarters of the Ministry of Education; and when the Taiwanese government insisted on altering the curriculum, it also had not been expected that high school students would have broken into the Ministry of Education buildings. People may still struggle to get their heads around the movement as time goes by. Teachers or students who had taken action argued that the Ministry of Education violated procedural justice, and the 2014 curriculum was infused with Chinese ideology. During the movement, teachers went out of the campus and cooperated with social groups, hoping that the public would pay more attention to the unjust curriculum and educational policy. Social movements in Taiwan have seldom been initiated by teachers, and research on teacher identity through social movements has been merely heard of.
    “What intellectual identity did civic teachers possess that led to their collective actions” is the main research question of this study. In order to fully understand the incident and its actors, teachers’ perception on the development of the social movement, their strategic actions, and their practice in the aftermath, are examined through data sources such as document archives and verbatim transcripts from in-depth interviews. Giroux’s critical pedagogy classifying teachers as intellectuals is adopted as the theory for the discourse analysis of intellectuals; while the political process theory of new social movements which considers political opportunity structure and cognitive liberation, is used to analyze the relationship between the movement process and identity.
    Research findings show that the diversity of training backgrounds of civic teachers contributes to their collective actions, as values and principles taught in the Civics and Society curriculum strengthen teachers’ sense of identity with the subject. They opt to protect these principles and restrain their power in strategic actions to avoid undue influence on students. It is also found that Giroux’s classification of intellectuals was insufficient to explain the actions and perception of teachers. Therefore, Giroux’s theory has been modified in this research, not only to facilitate interpretation of the research object, but also as an effort to contribute to the development of related theories or conceptual discussions in future studies.
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