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Title: | 國民中學校長科技領導、教師科技素養以及科技負面知覺關係之研究 A Study on Relationships among Junior High School Principals’ Technology Leadership, Teachers’ Technology Literacy and Technology Negative Perception. |
Authors: | 林旻承 Lin, Min-Cheng |
Contributors: | 張奕華 Chang, I-Hua 林旻承 Lin, Min-Cheng |
Keywords: | 科技領導 科技素養 科技壓力 科技焦慮 technology leadership technological competence technology stress technology anxiety |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:28:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文透過問卷調查法,探討國民中學校長科技領導、教師科技素養以及科技負面知覺的現況,並檢視校長科技領導、教師科技素養以及科技負面知覺在不同教師背景變項與學校環境變項上的差異情形,以及三者之間的路徑關係。研究者透過問卷調查法,針對北部地區直轄市國民中學教師進行隨機抽樣,共抽取 60 間學校,問卷回收 410 份,其中 378 份為有效問卷。研究結果透過描述性統計、平均數檢定、相關與迴歸分析、以及結構方程模式進行分析。分析結果說明如下: 一、北部地區學校教師校長科技領導程度以及教師科技素養程度屬於中高程 度。 二、國民中學教師科技負面知覺程度為中等程度。 三、不同年齡的教師對校長科技領導的知覺程度有所不同。 四、年齡、服務年資、性別與任教學科不同,科技素養程度亦有所不同。 五、教師於該校服務年資會影響教師的科技壓力與焦慮程度。 六、校長科技領導正相關於教師科技素養、但與科技負面知覺無相關。 七、教師科技素養與科技負面知覺為負相關。 八、教師科技素養之於校長科技領導影響科技負面知覺為完全中介。 研究最後,根據以上結論提出對學校行政的建議,並且針對本次研究所發現及遇見的問題,提出未來研究方向的建議。 The main idea of the study is to realize the circumstances of principal technology leadership, teachers` technological literacy, and technology negative perception in junior high schools. It also examined the differences in technology leadership, technological literacy, and technology negative perception based on various teacher background and school environmental, as well as the path relationships among these factors. Using a questionnaire survey method, the researchers randomly sampled teachers from 60 junior high schools in the northern region of a direct-controlled municipality. 410 questionnaires were collected in total, and 378 are deemed valid. Descriptive statistics, independent samples t-tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and structural equation modeling were employed for data analysis. Following shows the summarize of the results: 1. Teachers` perception of the level of principal technology leadership and their level of technological literacy were generally at a moderate to high level. 2. Teachers` technology negative perception was at a moderate level. 3. Teachers with different educational backgrounds perceived the level of principal technology leadership differently. 4. Teachers` technological literacy varied based on their age, gender, years of service, and teaching subjects. 5. Teachers` technology negative perception varied among different years of service. 6. There was a significant positive correlation between principal technology leadership and teachers` technological literacy, while no significant correlation was found between technology leadership and teachers` technology negative perception. 7. There was a negative correlation between teachers` technological literacy and their technology negative perception. 8. The impact of teachers` technological literacy on the principal`s technological leadership affecting negative perceptions of technology is fully mediated. According to above findings, recommendations for school administration are provided, and suggestions for future research directions are proposed in response to the identified issues and challenges. |
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