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    政大機構典藏 > 資訊學院 > 資訊科學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/147025
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    Title: 受時序空間資訊變動影響之停車機率預測與路線搜尋
    Parking Space Probability Prediction and Route Planning Affected by Spatio-Temporal Information Fluctuation
    Authors: 葉冠宏
    Contributors: 張宏慶
    Keywords: 停車位搜尋
    Parking Space Searching
    Reinforcement Learning
    Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 15:22:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著城市內的購車人口越來越多,停車位搜尋的需求也隨之提高。然而,由於城市空
    在本研究的實驗中,我比較了深度強化學習模型 Agent57 和 DQN 在停車位搜尋問題上
    的效率差異。在模型中,我加入了 ST-GNN 的神經網路架構以利獲取道路間和停車格
    由於實驗的資料難以取得,因此本研究以 SUMO 模擬器(Simulation of Urban MObility),
    As more people buying cars, the demand for searching parking space also increases. However,
    due to limited resources, the nearest parking space is not always available to park.
    Recently, some applications provide drivers with instant information of vacant parking space
    around the city, which enables drivers to decide the direction to go by themselves. It takes time
    for drivers to arrive at the parking space from the spot they search for the information. Hence,
    the decision they made at the beginning may not be accurate because the environment has
    changed and drivers don’t know any information about the future. Many researches have
    studied on how to predict future amount of parking space by utilizing the historical data.
    Nevertheless, not many of the researches have related the probabilities of the future vacant
    parking space with the suggestion of driving route.
    In our research, we use ST-GNN model to extract topological relationship between different
    parking spaces and roads nearby from past few timestamps to predict the concerned parking
    space. In order to guide the agent to find the available parking space as soon as possible, we
    use reinforcement learning model to decide which direction to go. Here, we compare two
    reinforcement models, Agent57 and Deep Q learning.
    When the agent drives towards the destination, traffic jam would slow down the speed of
    vehicle and increase time required to travel. Besides, longer distance between two spots usually
    means more time spent on driving. Considering these factors, we design a proper reward
    function, which takes the probabilities predicted by ST-GNN model into calculation. Therefore,
    we are able to calculate the future estimated probabilities of finding vacant parking space when
    vehicle arrives at the destination. The reward function is weighted by time required to travel,
    and is fed into the reinforcement model.
    Our contribution is to design a proper reward function and solves the problem of estimated
    probability variance induced by travelling time. The model is able to provide user with advice
    of finding available parking space as soon as possible. Due to the difficulty of acquiring real
    world data, we conduct the experiment by SUMO (Simulation of Urban Mobility) simulator.
    To test the robustness of our model, we also design different environment setting.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108753208
    Data Type: thesis
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