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Title: | 空間資訊技術應用於氣候變遷對生態系服務影響之研究-以蘭陽溪流域為例 Application of Spatial Information Technology to the Study of the Impact of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services—A Case Study of the Lan-Yang River Basin |
Authors: | 周聖哲 Chou, Sheng-Che |
Contributors: | 詹進發 Jan, Jihn-Fa 周聖哲 Chou, Sheng-Che |
Keywords: | 空間資訊技術 隨機森林分類 氣候變遷 遙感探測影像 地景生態學 Spatial information technology Random forest classification Climate change Remote Sensing imagery Landscape ecology |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:17:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 全球暖化世界各國面臨的共同問題,除了逐漸升高的氣溫,還有極端氣候和不穩定的降雨模式,以上所有現象都可能影響生態系統服務。在臺灣,山坡地區受到人類開發影響,其生態系服務功能因為坡地完整性被破壞而無法維持正常運作,特別是在熱帶氣旋和季風盛行的季節,短時間的大量降雨容易在脆弱的淺山坡地區域造成崩塌,讓當地居民的生命和財產都有安全的隱憂。 本研究選擇宜蘭縣的蘭陽溪流域做為研究區域,蘭陽溪流域內有多樣化的地形,憑藉著穩定的雨量和氣候,在蘭陽沖積平原上有大面積的農業用地,除了高品質的稻作,宜蘭縣內的蔬菜和花果類產值也分居全臺產值前列。宜蘭縣同時也是受到季風和颱風降雨影響的主要區域,每年當颱風來襲和秋冬季東北季風盛行之時,大量的降雨往往會在山坡地造成土石流或是道路坍方,除了影響民眾生活以外,也造成該區域的山坡地結構變得零碎不完整,使原本的生態系服務功能受損。 本研究使用多時序溫度觀測資料以及衛星影像,分析蘭陽溪流域內的溫度變化趨勢、植被生長情形和土地利用狀況,針對植被生長退化和其結構完整性進行長期變化趨勢分析,觀察山坡地是否有退化趨勢。分析成果顯示,蘭陽溪流域內從1991年至2021年的平均溫度無論夏季或是冬季都呈現上升趨勢,其中又以夏季的增幅較為顯著;而研究區域內的淺山坡地區域有結構破碎化的情形,主要原因可能是人為開發以及天然災害造成的崩塌,宜進行長期監測以了解其可能的影響。 Global warming is a widespread issue faced by countries worldwide. In addition to the gradual increase in temperatures, there are also extreme weather events and erratic rainfall patterns, all of which can have an impact on ecosystem services. In Taiwan, the hillside areas have been affected by human development, leading to a disruption in the normal functioning of ecosystem services due to the destruction of slope land integrity. This is particularly evident during the seasons of prevalent tropical cyclones and monsoons, where short-term heavy rainfall easily causes damage to vulnerable shallow hillside areas. This, in turn, raises safety concerns for local residents and their properties. This paper focuses on the Lanyang River Basin as the research area. The Lanyang River Basin has diverse terrains, and it experiences stable rainfall and climate conditions. The Lanyang Plain consists of a significant agricultural land area where high-quality rice is produced. Moreover, the output value of vegetables and other agricultural products within Yilan County also ranks among the top regions in Taiwan. However, Yilan County is also heavily affected by monsoon and typhoon rainfall. Each year, when typhoons strike and the northeast monsoon prevails in autumn and winter, substantial rainfall often leads to landslide or road collapse on hillsides. These incidents not only affect the livelihood of the local population but also damage the hillside structure, thus compromising the original ecosystem service function. In this study, multi-temporal satellite images were utilized to analyze vegetation growth and land use conditions in the Lanyang River Basin. Long-term trend analysis was conducted to observe potential degradation trends in hillside land, particularly regarding vegetation growth degradation and structural integrity. The results indicate that the average temperature in the Lan-Yang River basin has shown an increasing trend from 1991 to 2021, both in summer and winter, with a more pronounced increase observed during the summer season. Additionally, the hilly slope areas within the study area exhibit signs of structural fragmentation, possibly due to human development and natural disasters leading to landslides. Long-term monitoring is recommended to understand the potential impacts of these factors. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系 110257032 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110257032 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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