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Title: | Z世代員工體驗對工作績效之影響- 以F壽險公司為例 The Impact of Generation Z Employee’s Work Experience on Job Performance |
Authors: | 高丹琳 Kao, Tan-Lin |
Contributors: | 彭金隆 Peng, Jin-Lung 高丹琳 Kao, Tan-Lin |
Keywords: | X世代 Y世代 Z世代 員工體驗 工作動力 工作績效 Generation X Generation Y Generation Z Employee Experience Work Motivation Work Performance |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 15:12:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 依據國家發展委員會以21歲~65歲工作人口為基礎分析,目前X/Y/Z世代占比分別為:35%/31%/12%,嬰兒潮世代佔了22%;到了2030年,嬰兒潮世代將完全退出職場,而X/Y/Z世代占比預估為:37%/34%/29%,如何收服Z世代工作者的心成為各保險公司人資主管最重要的課題。在面對後疫情與全球通膨的打擊,加上金融科技持續發展,保險業的業績表現與未來展望都不樂觀,若是不改變組織運作、人才策略,吸引不到新世代人才加入,不只讓數位轉型難以執行,組織更陷入了人才斷層的惡性循環。 未來10年的職場將出現巨大變化,在數位工具的推波助瀾下,正職員工的比率會下降,外包比率提高,保險業要如何用新文化吸引Z世代加入。過去的國泰金從總經理到辦事員有十幾層,六年來組織運作朝向扁平化及溝通透明化,企業要吸引不同世代的同仁,必須要做調整,如果還是維持過去的管理方式,吸引不了好人才。為了吸引Z世代人才,公司必須從實體環境、歸屬感、成長的機會、工作意義、數位科技、支援的管理、可信賴的主管七大面向帶給員工更好的體驗,找出Z世代員工更在意的因子,才能留住Z世代並招募到更多優秀的年輕世代。 本研究透過問卷調查559位保險業非主管職人員,得到的結論是:員工體驗對工作績效具有正向影響,發現Z世代員工非常關注歸屬感,並重視從工作上得到滿足感。許多公司開始重新設計工作內容,讓Z世代人才更快歷練各種職位以承擔重任。對於Z世代員工最主要的影響者還是在於直屬主管,因此改變主管的對領導管理Z世代員工的認知,本研究提出「DREAM夢想領導法」,成功關鍵在於創造一個有願景、有意義的工作環境,讓Z世代員工感受到公司的價值與成就,同時給予足夠的資源、培養技能和提供意義。透過這些作法,領導者可以啟發Z世代員工的工作動力與投入度,進而提高公司的績效成就。Z世代員工傾向溝通,並希望能分享他們的想法和意見。因此,建議設置開放式的回饋機制,提供他們能夠表達自己的平台,了解他們的看法,並積極回應這些回饋。 According to the analysis based on the 21 to 65-year-old working population by the National Development Commission, the current proportions of X/Y/Z generations are 35%, 31%, and 12%, respectively. The baby boomer generation accounts for 22%. By the year 2030, the baby boomer generation will completely exit the workforce, and the estimated proportions for X/Y/Z generations will be 37%, 34%, and 29%.Motivating and engaging Z generation workers have become the most important challenges for HR managers in various insurance companies. Faced with the impact of the Post-Pandemic Era and global inflation, coupled with the continuous development of financial technology, the insurance industry`s performance and future are not optimistic. Without changes in organizational operations and talent strategies to attract new generations, not only will digital transformation be difficult to implement, but organizations will also be caught in a vicious cycle of talent shortages. In the next 10 years, the workplace will undergo significant changes, with a decrease in the ratio of full-time employees and an increase in outsourcing rates, driven by digital tools. The insurance industry needs to adopt a new culture to attract Generation Z to join the workforce. In the past, Cathay Financial had a hierarchical structure from general managers to clerks, but over the past six years, the organizational operations have shifted towards flatter structures and transparent communication. To attract employees from different generations, companies must make adjustments. Maintaining the old management style won`t attract good talent. To attract Generation Z talent, companies must focus on seven aspects: the physical environment, a sense of belonging, growth opportunities, meaningful work, digital technology, supportive management, and trustworthy supervisors, providing employees with a better experience. Understanding the factors that Generation Z employees care about will help retain them and recruit more talented young generations. This study conducted a questionnaire survey with 559 non-managerial employees in the insurance industry, and the conclusion is that employee experience has a positive impact on job performance. It was found that Generation Z employees are highly concerned about a sense of belonging and value job satisfaction. Many companies are redesigning job content to allow Generation Z talent to gain diverse experiences and take on responsibilities quickly. The most significant influence on Generation Z employees is still their immediate supervisors. Therefore, to effectively lead and manage Generation Z employees, this study proposes the "DREAM Leadership Method," which focuses on creating a visionary and meaningful work environment, making Generation Z employees feel the company`s values and achievements, providing sufficient resources, fostering skills, and offering a sense of purpose. By implementing these practices, leaders can inspire the work motivation and engagement of Generation Z employees, thus improving the company`s performance and achievements. Generation Z employees tend to communicate and share their ideas and opinions. Therefore, it is recommended to establish an open feedback mechanism, providing them with a platform to express themselves, understanding their perspectives, and actively responding to their feedback. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 110932143 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110932143 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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