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Title: | 是誰的錯?職場背鍋者的應對研究 Whose Fault is It? A Study of How the Blamed Cope with Blaming Shift |
Authors: | 林郁潔 Lin, Yu-Chieh |
Contributors: | 許書瑋 Hsu, Ryan-Shuwei 林郁潔 Lin, Yu-Chieh |
Keywords: | 甩鍋 主管定調 blame shifting sensegiving |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 14:59:46 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在職場上,工作者在犯錯後偶會為了避免責罵而將自身應擔負的責任「甩鍋」給別人,導致與之無關的同仁被迫承擔造成錯誤的責任。在此情況下,被迫成為「代罪羔羊」的部屬與其主管如何解決甩鍋便成為重要的管理問題。本研究透過半結構式訪談法,深入訪問了二十位在職場中曾被他人點名承擔與自己無關錯誤的員工。研究結果顯示被甩鍋的部屬面臨甩鍋後,會因其主管定調不同,而採取相異的應對方式。我的論文歸納出主管的三種定調方式,包含將錯誤歸咎於甩鍋者本人外,認定是被甩鍋者的錯,以及對事不對人。當主管定調錯誤是肇因於甩鍋者,即提供被甩鍋者平反的機會,被甩鍋者因此會對主管產生正面的印象,認為其在處理甩鍋的爭議事項上較為積極正面;若是主管定調為被甩鍋者的錯,被甩鍋者認為其承擔無妄之災,則會認為主管在處理甩鍋的爭議事項上未盡其職;最後,當主管定調目前目標為對事不對人,被甩鍋者則因主管跳過了強行歸因錯誤的情況,且有收到主管於後續事件處理所的支援,會偏向認為主管心中未有偏頗,進而強化對於主管本人和公司的正面印象。根據以上結果,本研究提出相關的實務意涵與未來研究方向。 In the workplace, people often tend to shift blame onto others after making mistakes to avoid being blamed. In this situation, it has become a significant management issue for the subordinate who is forced to be the "scapegoat" and their supervisor to find ways to resolve the problem of blame-shifting. This study used semi-structured interview approach to interview twenty employees who experienced wrongly assigned blame for mistakes unrelated to themselves. According to the result, employees who became scapegoats responded and feel differently due to the judgement of the related supervisor. My thesis summarizes three types of approaches taken by supervisors when scapegoating occurs, including attributing the blame to the subordinate who try to scapegoat, blaming the scapegoated subordinate for the mistake, and focusing on the issue rather than the person. When the supervisor chooses to attribute the blame to the subordinate who try to scapegoat, that means they give the scapegoated subordinate chances to vindication. Thus, the scapegoated subordinate would tend to develop a positive impression of the supervisor, also perceiving them as more proactive and positive in handling the controversy blame-shifting issue. What if the supervisor blaming the scapegoated subordinate for the mistake, the scapegoated subordinate would perceive they experience undeserve blame while consider the supervisor as not fulfilling their responsibilities of dealing the controversy blame-shifting issue. Finally, when supervisor chooses to focus on the issue rather than the person, due to the supervisor avoiding the error of forced attribution and receiving support from the supervisor in handling subsequent events, the scapegoated subordinate would tend to believe that the supervisor is unbiased, thus reinforces a positive impression of both the supervisor and the company. Based on the study result, the final article presents the practical implications and research limitations. And the potential future research direction recommendations also included. |
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