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Title: | 論故事角色可著作性之認定 A Study on the Copyrightability of Story Characters |
Authors: | 鄭祥文 JHENG, SIANG-WUN |
Contributors: | 宋皇志 Sung, Huang-Chih 鄭祥文 JHENG, SIANG-WUN |
Keywords: | 清晰描繪標準 角色即故事標準 三要件測試法 必要場景原則 思想與表達合併原則 可著作性 The Distinct Delineation Standard The Story Being Told Test Three-Part Test Scenes a Faire The Merger Doctrine of Idea and Expression Copyrightability |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 14:50:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,文化創意產業所帶來的商業利益日益趨增,而將創作內容中所呈現的角色以智財布局之方式,應用在各領域中得以帶來龐大的商機。創造吸引人的角色、應用智財策略以進行布局,已經成為創作者、企業、政府努力投入資源之方向。 而另一方面,除了商業策略的運用外,使角色取得合法權源以進行智財布局,亦屬重要。舉例而言,雖文學作品之作者所創作的語文著作內容得以受到著作權保護,然而,其中角色是否能獨立取得著作權,即有疑問。雖現今實務不否認此類角色取得著作權之可能,然而對此角色之著作權認定,實務尚無明確標準,此時對創作者而言,便會產生能否將此類角色進行商業應用之疑問,若標準不明確,將可能使創作者或業者直接放棄對該類角色之商業應用,或減損創作該類角色之意願。對產業、公共創作空間造成巨大影響,故釐清純文字作品中的角色該如何認定得否取得著作權有其必要性。 本文認為可參考美國法院所提出的三要件測試法,並分析著作權法理、著作權法規範之目的、分析語文著作角色之內核後,做出較具體的判認定標準,以協助創作者能夠知道該如何使自己創作的純文學角色得以取得著作權,使產業能夠放心對此類角色進行商業應用並保護公共創作空間。 In recent years, the commercial benefits brought by the cultural and creative industries have been increasing day by day. To the cultural and creative industries, developing a successful intellectual property strategy for the application of the characters in various fields can bring enormous commercial interests. It is a significant thing for authors, enterprises, and governments to create attractive characters and come up with intellectual property strategies. On the other hand, in addition to using business strategies, acquiring the legality of characters is also an important thing. For example, literature can be protected through the Copyright Law, however it is doubtful whether the characters in them can be independently protected through the Copyright Law. Although the current judicial decisions does not deny the possibility of protecting the characters independently, there is no specific standard. If the standard is not clear, it may cause authors and enterprises give up the commercial application of such characters, or reduce the willingness to create such characters. It has a negative impact on the industry and the public weal. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify how to judge whether the characters of the literature can be protected by the Copyright Law. This article believes that we can refer to the three-part test which developed by United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, the jurisprudence of Copyright Law, the purpose of Copyright Law, and the core of the characters of literature to establish the more specific standards to help creators know how to protect this kind of characters, so that the industry can safely use such characters and protect the public weal. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 109364202 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109364202 |
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