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    Title: 情緒價值:以情感作為顧客體驗與價值創造的紐帶
    Emotional Value: Emotion as a Connection of Customer Experience and Value Creation
    Authors: 陳雨凡
    Chen, Yu-Fan
    Contributors: 蕭瑞麟
    Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
    Chen, Yu-Fan
    Keywords: 顧客體驗
    customer experience
    service design
    emotional value
    emotion appraisal
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 14:49:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 服務創新最後的目的是要提供愉悅的顧客體驗。然而,企業多數卻追求流程效率以及功能等理性層面的因素,而忽略感性層面的影響。如果要從感性層面著手去提升顧客體驗,需要考量如何將情緒注入服務旅程中,關注接觸點如何造成顧客的喜怒哀樂,因而為公司創造價值。情緒價值也就成為目前研究的焦點,目的在於分析顧客情緒如何會為企業創造價值。目前研究比較少考量到的是情緒反應,瞭解情緒的波動會產生哪些感受,進而分析顧客如何透過這些感受而產生評價,評估現行服務所帶給他們的體驗。本文分析選品店的購物體驗,探討目標客群在旅程中產生怎樣的體驗,並且分析情緒如何影響顧客體驗的品質。理論上,本研究點出情緒評價的運作過程,闡釋情緒所造成顧客的多樣感受,正面感受例如幸福感與認同感,負面感受例如挫折感以及失落感。瞭解這些感受,也就能夠幫助提供者更細緻地規劃服務設計來促成優質的體驗。進一步,這些感受可以解釋情緒評價的過程,點出感受落差形成的原因。感受落差必須顧及體驗的相對性,也就是現行的體驗需對比與過往的經驗。實務上,本研究歸納情緒評價的四種類型:負面感受的聯想、正面感受的落差、負面感受的反差以及正面感受的移情。服務設計如果能夠關注在顧客旅程中不同感受的樣貌,便可以根據這些樣貌來調整服務的內涵以及執行的方法。情緒評價的類型更可以讓我們理解現行的正負面感受是如何來自於過往經驗的呼應,而形成當下體驗的評價。如此,設計者便可以根據過往的經驗,轉化為優質的體驗設計。設計者若能吸取過往經驗,讓歡欣的感受注入服務旅程,便能為體驗造就更為感動的時刻。
    Abstract: The ultimate purpose of service innovation is to offer pleasant experience for customers. However, most enterprises strive for rational factors to innovate services, such as process efficiency and functionality, rather than considering the influence from the emotional dimension. To promote customer experience from emotional side, we need to consider how to inject emotion into service journey and pay attention to the redesign of touch points in order to affect customers’ joy and sorrow while creating value for firms. This is why emotional value become the central attention of current research, whereas its purpose is to examine how emotion would generate delightful experience. Current studies explore less on the emotional response to understand how the fluctuation of emotion would lead to positive and negative sentiments. Furthermore, such analyses have not yet explored how customers may appraise their experience through these sentiments. This thesis attempt to examine purchasing experience in the Select Shop journey, so as to understand how emotion may influence the quality of customer experience. Theoretically, this research points out the mechanism of emotion appraisal and elaborate the multiplicity of customer sentiments, including positive sentiment such as sense of well-being and sense of belonging, and negative sentiment such as sense of frustration and sense of disappointment. By understanding these sentiments, we may help providers redesign services meticulously in order to promote pleasant experience. Further, by leveraging these sentiments, designers could explain the process of emotion appraisal and highlight why incongruent sentiments may occur. This gap analysis needs to consider the relativity of experience, which is to compare present experience with that of the past. This research summarizes four types of emotion appraisal: The association of negative sentiment, the discrepancy in relation to positive sentiment, the contrast with regard to negative sentiment, and empathy from positive sentiment. If service designers would attend to the various sentiment patterns within the journey, they could then adjust the content and execution of service accordingly to tailor customers’ needs. The archetypes of emotion appraisal may help us understand how sentiments, whether positive or negative, stem from the resonance of previous reference while shaping customers’ present experience. On this basis, designers could convert previous experience into the design of present benevolence for customers. If designers could learn about customer’s preceding experience, they could then introduce joyful sentiments into service journey and thereby transforming emotional grievance into impressive experience.
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