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    Title: 文化中介者的價值創造與價值實現—以台灣流行音樂產業為例
    Value Creation and Realization of Cultural Brokerage: A Case Study of Taiwanese Music Industry
    Authors: 邱明慧
    Chiu, Ming Hui
    Contributors: 吳思華
    Wu, Se-Hwa
    Chiu, Ming Hui
    Keywords: 經紀
    structural hole
    cultural brokers
    network brokerage capability
    record company
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 14:49:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 目前學術對於「中介者/經紀人」的研究著重於利用第三方加入(tertius iungens)或隔離(tertius gaudens)來控制資訊來獲得優勢利益,較少討論中介者如何創造價值與實現價值。此外也缺乏對中介者如何隨著時間演進因應外部環境變化調整、建立持久競爭優勢的解釋。現階段對於中介者商業模式研究,主要圍繞著利用軟體技術降低搜索、協商、監督等交易成本、提升配對效率的數位平台企業,對於文化創意產業的中介者商業經營研究相對較少。



    Academic literature pertaining to "brokers/intermediaries" places emphasis on the utilization of third-party inclusion (tertius iungens) or isolation (tertius gaudens) mechanisms to exert control over information for the attainment of advantageous benefits. However, there is literature gap from the perspective of brokers regarding the methods and strategies employed by companies to create, capture value, and value realization. Furthermore, it lacks to explain how brokers adjust their value creation and realization over time so as to respond to external environmental changes, as a means to establish lasting competitive advantages. Current literature on "brokers/intermediaries" mainly revolves around digital platforms that utilize digital technology to reduce search, negotiation, monitor, and transaction costs, and enhance matching efficiency. Nevertheless, there is relatively less research focused on "brokers/intermediaries" business models within the cultural and creative industries.

    This study attempts to address the aforementioned issues through a case study of two Taiwanese record companies. Rock Records, the most successful cultural broker during the traditional era, was found to occupy a central position with strong connections to creators and the market network. It emphasized the need for albums to reflect social trends and captured the heart-beat of contemporary people, becoming the largest record company in the Chinese-speaking world and the top 2 in Asia. In the digital era, HIM International Music (HIM) pioneered the execution of "360 degrees contracts" and the creation of "idol groups" as unique strategies, leveraging exceptional network capabilities to bridge diverse industries and create various platforms for artists. Despite the significant decline in the record market, HIM still achieved rapid growth and became the first publicly listed cultural and creative company in Taiwan.

    HIM exemplifies how an incumbent can transform in the face of technology disruption. The study found that HIM occupied a peripheral position as a structural hole, utilizing this new position and external resource connectivity, along with its own network brokerage capabilities, to enhance operational performance. Namely, HIM utilized its broker position to establish connections, leverage external resources, discover and cultivate the talents of artists, build artist brands (IPs) that could be transmitted across different structures, and create new revenue streams to establish the company`s lasting competitive advantages.

    This study employs social network theory of structural holes, brokerage, Resource-Based View (RBV), and its derivative dynamic capabilities to examine how cultural brokers create and realize value by leveraging their structural position and network brokerage capabilities. The study reveals the following findings:
    1. The value creation of brokers stems from their structural hole positions, as their occupancy within pivotal structural holes facilitates access to crucial information, resources, and opportunities, thus positioning them as innovative agents.
    2. Brokers utilize their "network brokerage capability" to bridge diverse industries, establishing connections and combining resources to engender novel value creation.
    3. Employing distinctive strategies, brokers demonstrate superior performance relative to their peers.
    4. The alignment of structural positions, capabilities, and strategies allows cultural brokers to profit from IP.
    5. Cultural brokers exhibit a distinct “the duality of value creation and realization".
    This study also presents “1A4C” transformation framework and "Brokerage Strategy" for cultural brokers. The aforementioned findings of this study contribute to the fields of social network theory, RBV, strategic management literature, and managerial practices.
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