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Title: | 企業人工智慧平台的開發管理之研究—以 F 公司為例 An Empirical Study of the Development Management of Artificial Intelligence Platform-A Case Study of F Company |
Authors: | 樓孝剛 Lou, Hsiao-Kang |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 Wu, Feng-Shang 樓孝剛 Lou, Hsiao-Kang |
Keywords: | 人工智慧 技術創新 新產品開發 開發團隊 軟體開發 敏捷開發 創新管理 黑盒子 紡織業 平台 Artificial intelligence Technical innovation New product development Development team Software development Agile development Innovation management Black box Textile industry Platform |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 14:48:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著人工智慧走出了實驗室,生活中越來越常見到人工智慧的應用,越來越多國家與企業發現其未來性並願意投入大量資源在人工智慧領域上,各國想要利用人工智慧增強其國力,企業則想要在此領域創造出破壞式的創新。而台灣擁有還不錯的科技實力,因此,人工智慧自然是重點關注的新技術,但從初步的觀察中認知到,我們在這方面的發展上,仍面臨到了以下的二點障礙: 1.台灣的科技產業過往一直偏重硬體而不是軟體,對於軟體的概念相對較為薄弱。 2.仰賴過去硬體成功的經驗在面對人工智慧時,很容易會走向創新者的窘境。 根據上述二點,本研究認為若要有效開發人工智慧,勢必要用不一樣的管理思維來面對它。 然而,有關人工智慧的開發管理之相關研究仍然很少,因此,本研究的主要目的即希望能彌補此一學術缺口。也因為本研究的本質上屬於探索性的研究,所以質性個案研究會被認為是比較適合的研究方法之一,本研究根據研究目標與文獻探討的結果,提出了一個包含「技術創新管理」、「新產品開發管理」和「開發團隊組織方式與管理」等三個構面的研究架構,並依此架構選擇一家涉入人工智慧平台開發的企業進行深入的個案研究,所得到的主要結論如下: 結論一:企業在進行人工智慧的技術創新上,會先透過與外部合作的方式來取得技術,之後再透過內部自主學習與逐步累積研發能力的方式,來讓人工智慧技術在企業內部紮根。 結論二:企業於人工智慧平台產品的開發上,在發想階段,會著重於需求上的確認;在測試階段,會採取「半打開黑盒子」的方式,來平衡人工智慧訓練績效與投入成本;在商業化階段,則會強化與客戶的溝通,以取得其對新平台產品的信任。 結論三:企業的人工智慧團隊在開發平台產品的過程中,會透過其團隊主管的領導力來整合內外部團隊多元背景成員的不同意見,以提升人工智慧模型的訓練和實驗之效益。 結論四:企業以人工智慧開發團隊做為企業研發能力的核心,因而會強化其人工智慧技術相關員工的招募機制,並留意人工智慧開發團隊成員的選擇,以提升其技術研發能耐。 結論五:企業的人工智慧平台產品之開發過程中,會投入大量的時間進行人工智慧的訓練與實驗,但也會因人工智慧高度實驗性與開發時程難以協調與規劃的關係,一方面在開發流程管理上會採用不同於傳統的「講究時程控制」的方式。另一方面,會讓人工智慧團隊主管獨立運作,以提升開發的順暢度。 本論文最後並提出學術上和實務上的意涵,以及給後續研究者的建議。 As artificial intelligence has stepped out of the laboratory, we can see the applications of artificial intelligence more and more in daily life. it’s making more and more countries and enterprises invest a lot of resources in the field of artificial intelligence, countries want to use artificial intelligence to enhance national power and enterprises want to create disruptive innovations. Taiwan has a fairly good technological strength, so artificial intelligence is naturally a new technology to focus on. However, from preliminary observations, we know that we still face up to the following obstacles in the development of this field: 1.The technological industry of Taiwan has always emphasized hardware rather than software in the past, and the concept of software is relatively weak. 2.Relying on the past successful experience of hardware in the face of artificial intelligence, it is easy to fall into the innovator`s dilemma. According to the above two points, this study believes that if we want to develop artificial intelligence effectively, we must use different way of management thinking to treat the artificial intelligence. However, there are very few researches on the development and management of artificial intelligence, the main purpose of this study if to fill this academic gap. Because this dissertation is an exploratory research in nature, qualitative research method is considered to be one of the more suitable research methods. According to the research objectives and the results of the literature review, this thesis issues a research framework includes three constructs: “Technology Innovation Management”, “New Product Development Management” and “Organization and Management of Development Team”, and select a company involves in the development of artificial intelligence to conduct an in-depth case study, then obtain the following conclusion: Conclusion 1: When enterprises conduct the technology innovation of artificial intelligence. At first, they will obtain technology through the way of external cooperation, and then through the ways of internal self-learning and gradually accumulate development capabilities, so that artificial intelligence technology can root in the enterprise. Conclusion 2: During the development process of artificial intelligence platform products, the enterprises tend to emphasize the confirmation of needs in the concept development stage; adopt the “half-opening black box” way to balance AI training performance and investment cost; and intensify the communication with clients to enhance their trust towards the new platform product. Conclusion 3: In the process of developing platform products, the leader of artificial intelligence team will use the leadership to integrate the different opinions of the internal and external team members with diverse backgrounds, so that improving the utility of artificial intelligence model training and experimentation. Conclusion 4: The enterprise`s artificial intelligence development team is the core of the enterprise`s research and development capabilities, so they will strengthen their recruitment mechanism, and keep an eye on the selection of artificial intelligence development team members to improve their technology capabilities. Conclusion 5: In the development process of the artificial intelligence platform products, it will put a lot of time on training and experiments, but also due to the highly experimental nature of artificial intelligence and hardly plan the development schedule, on the one hand, the management of development process will use a different method from the traditional method, which is emphasizing schedule control, on the other hand, the enterprise will let the leader of artificial intelligence team operates independently to improve the smoothness of development. Finally, the thesis addresses the academic implication of this study and makes recommendations for industrial practices and future studies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 106364127 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106364127 |
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