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Title: | 傳統銀行對金融科技發展之相應對策與專利申請 Research on the Corresponding Countermeasures and the Patent Application of the Development of Financial Technology Companies on Traditional Banks |
Authors: | 黎淑怡 Lai, Shuk-Yi |
Contributors: | 陳秉訓 Chen, Ping-Hsun 黎淑怡 Lai, Shuk-Yi |
Keywords: | 金融科技公司 大型科技公司 法遵科技 監理科技 專利申請 專利申請策略 Fintech Bigtech Regtech Subtech Patent application Patent strategy |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 14:48:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 因應近年金融科技公司(Fintech)與大型科技公司(Bigtech)之快速及持續發展及逐步切入傳統金融服務領域,由其是 Bigtech其較廣泛之較有黏著性之客戶群、較優渥之營運資金及較先進科技能力,對於全球傳統銀行帶來一定次衝擊。在這股快速及強大的衝擊之下,促使傳統金融業必須加快在數位化轉型與新科技運用上的速度,然而,在傳統銀行創新過程中,也將各種新技術帶入法遵、監理的領域,因此法遵科技(Regtech)及監理科技(Subtech)因此就應運而生。
本文主要研究四大重點,第一點為說明因應金融科技之蓬勃發展所洐生之金融科技公司Fintech及Bigtech公司,對於傳統銀行發展之影響以及相應對策;第二點,考量與金融科技有關之專利之研發及申請為銀行應對策略中重要之一環,因此將說明我國主要傳統銀行(以在金融科技發展表現較卓越之七家銀行為主)有關金融專利之申請現況及趨勢以及相關專利品質分析。第三點,因應金融環境之改變使金融監管規範日漸趨嚴,說明傳統銀行在法律遵循上之改革及應對策略(如監理科技(Regtech)研發應用及相關專利申請);最後,藉著文獻探討及過去之工作經驗,以介紹台新銀行為例,介紹其在金融科技之發展及改革措施,作為其他同業借鏡。 Due to rapid expansion of financial technology companies (Fintech) and large technology companies (Bigtech) in recent years and their engagement into the field of traditional financial services, it has been brought certain impact on the traditional financial institutions, especially Bigtech which has the sticky customer base, good working capital and advanced technological capabilities. Therefore, the traditional financial institutions must speed up its digital transformation under this rapid and powerful impact. Furthermore, in the process of the innovation by the traditional financial institutions, various new technologies are also brought into the field of legal compliance and supervision, regulatory technology (Regtech) and supervision technology (Subtech) came into being.
This research mainly studies four key points. The first point is to explain the impact of Fintech and Bigtech on traditional financial institutions and relevant corresponding countermeasures by the traditional financial institutions; the second point is to consider that Fintech patent is the important part of the traditional financial institutions ‘s coping strategy, the research will explain the current situation and trend of the application of Fintech patent by major traditional financial institutions in Taiwan (mainly including seven banks that have the outstanding performance in financial technology development in Taiwan) and the quality analysis of related Fintech patents. The third point is that in response to the changes in the financial environment, financial regulatory norms are becoming increasingly stringent, the research will further explain the reforms and coping strategies of traditional financial institutions in terms of legal compliance (such as the R&D and application of regulatory technology (Regtech) and related Fintech patent applications). Finally, based on literature review and the work experience, Taishin Bank will be taking as an example, the research will illustrate its development and reform measures in financial technology, as a reference for other peers. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 104364219 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104364219 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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