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    Title: 我國ODM企業之線上會議平台運作對其技術研發、新產品開發與知識管理的影響之研究
    Research on the Influence of Online Meeting Platform Operation of ODM Enterprises in Taiwan on Research and Development, New Product Development, and Knowledge Management
    Authors: 李宗霖
    Lee, Tsung-Lin
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Wu, Feng-Shang
    Lee, Tsung-Lin
    Keywords: 線上會議平台
    Online meeting platform
    Technology research and development
    New product development
    Project management
    Knowledge management
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-09-01 14:48:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 線上會議平台的功能發展發非常訊速,已漸漸取代傳統電話、網路電話溝通方式,讓會議的參與者,除了有品質良好的即時語音、視訊會議外,還帶來許多便利的附加功能,如分享畫面、即時訊息、檔案共同編輯、群組分享、舉手…等,為參與平台的與會者帶來接近面對面會議的使用情境,拉近會議中所有人之間的距離,希望打造如臨現場般的會議。
    幾年已陸續依客戶要求導入僅在客戶會議上使用,因ODM產業特性的需求Sales / PM時常需要與出差與國外客戶洽談新案,RD也需要在產品試產時至工廠技轉與異分析,尤其是在Covid-19疫情期間,因各國不同的管制與隔離政策,造成無法出國、出差到現場,此時線上會議平台剛好能發揮其功能,讓不少科技業都願意積極導入,做為無法出差的替代方案。
    一、 我國ODM企業會透過遠端運作線上會議平台的運作,來提升其新產品開發專案進度的掌握度與其客戶的滿意度。但線上會議系統並無法用來解決所有溝通上的問題,若需要確認實物、外觀、流程、實際操作等情況時,仍會仰賴面對面的溝通,也會依溝通對象來選擇不同的會議平台以達成最佳溝通效率。
    二、 我國ODM企業會透過線上會議平台,藉由「專案群組」的建立來規範成員,並就重要技術與研發設計結果等,進行遠端的、即時性的、與跨地區性的討論與問題解決。
    三、 我國ODM企業在線上會議平台的運作上,其員工會有信任度與資訊安全性的顧慮,因而,僅會分享與保存較為不具關鍵性的資料在平台上。此外,也會利用平台進行技術研發人員的教育訓練與重要信息的宣告。
    四、 我國ODM企業會在特殊狀況(如Covid-19疫情期間)下,透過不同的工作模式並大量導入線上會議平台的運作,也會在會議平台運作的慣性下,擴大後續對線上會議平台的使用。

    The functions of online meeting platforms are under rapid development. It has gradually replaced traditional telephone lines and internet telephone communications. In addition to good quality real-time voice and video conferences, there are many other convenient functions such as screen sharing, instant messaging, file co-editing, group sharing, hand raising, etc. These functions provide participants on the platform with experiences similar to face-to-face meetings and shorten the distance between participants in the meeting. It is to create an experience as in-person meetings.
    Over the past few years, customer has requested to only host the meeting through online meeting platform. Due to the characteristics of the ODM industry, Sales/PM often need to go on business trips to discuss new projects with customers abroad. Furthermore, RD also needs to go to the factory for technical transfer and heterogeneous analysis during the pilot run. Especially during the Covid-19 Pandemic, it was impossible to go abroad due to different control and isolation policies in various countries. At this time, the online meeting platform plays an important role in which many technology companies actively implemented it as an alternative for business trips.
    Therefore, this thesis aims at researching and discussing the impacts of online meeting on the ODM industry from three aspects: new product development, technology research and development, and knowledge management. Through in-depth case interviews and consolidate secondary data to analyze, the conclusions are as follows:
    1. ODM companies in the country utilize remote operations of the online meeting platform to improve their grasp of new product development progress and customer satisfaction. However, the online meeting platform cannot be used to solve all communication problems such as to confirm the physical object, the external appearance, the process, the actual operation, etc. These still rely on face-to-face communication; or, these may be achieved via different communication platforms.
    2. ODM companies in the country establish “Project Group Chat `` via online meeting platform to set standards among members. Moreover, it conducts remote, real-time, and cross-regional meetings to discuss and to resolve problems regarding important technologies and R&D Design.
    3. In terms of the operation of the online meeting platform in the country, ODM enterprises will only share and save insignificant information via the platform due to security and trust concerns. Furthermore, the platform will also be used for education and training purposes.
    4. Under special circumstances (such as during the Covid-19 Pandemic), ODM companies have introduced a great amount of online meeting platforms for different operations. This will also passively expand more usage of online meeting.

    Finally, this thesis puts forward practical suggestions, academic contributions, and suggestions for follow-up research.
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