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Title: | 我國警察人員人事進用困境與策進 Challenges and Strategies in the Recruitment and Deployment of Police Personnel in Our Country |
Authors: | 黃文鴻 Huang, Wen-Hung |
Contributors: | 高永光 Kao, Yuang-Kuang 黃文鴻 Huang, Wen-Hung |
Keywords: | 警察人力進用 警察人員特種考試 雙軌分流考試制度 Police human resource employment Special police exams Dual-track examination system |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-09-01 14:42:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國警察機關人力進用制度在其他公務員文官制度中可說是極其特殊的存在,不僅有獨立、專責的警察教育機關,目前並以「考、訓、用」及「訓、考、用」雙軌並行,除了引發與其他單一進用之公務員有何異同之討論外,目前的考選、訓練方式能否確實遴選出實務機關所需人才,近年來相繼受到許多應考人、學界及考試制度設計者的諸多議論。 除此之外,對於現職員警升任警正三階以上警察幹部職務時,除了應試身分衍生雙軌分流進用爭議外,在大法官第760號解釋後,因教育訓練機構不同、不得晉陞已違反憲法保障之平等權,行政機關必須採取適當措施已改善相關受影響人的不利對待,再次衝擊警正三階以上警察官進用的人力現況,在缺額有限下,各不同陞職進用管道間如何訂定次序及比例仍難獲得共識。 本研究從梳理我國警察人力進用制度改革歷程,分析目前所面臨最主要之重大困境,亦即在進用途徑從單軌過渡到雙軌時產生的問題,並參照英國、日本及韓國等警察人事體系對比之間的差異,藉以發掘相關問題成因及可能解決辦法。而後以深度訪談方式針對現職警察機關之各級警察幹部、前任及現任考試委員等焦點團體,對於兩者進用制度看法及立場,從中勾勒未來警察人事進用制度的修正方向。 本研究透過深度訪談等研究方法後歸納以下研究發現:一、我國警察人事進用制度仍欠缺人力資源管理概念。二、我國警察人員雙軌考選、訓練制度目的相同、性質有別,並非競合關係。三、雙軌制考試制度錄取人員對警察組織文化帶來多元影響。四、仍應以能力做為不同陞職管道陞任警察幹部之次序依據。並針對未來政策規劃提出「強化人事及教育訓練人員專業,以確保人力進用業務品質。」、「落實人力盤點及警職能分析,重新檢視機關組成及人力運用成效,建立遴補用人計畫。」、「警察養成教育體系應重新檢視教育目的並檢討課程設計。」、「警察幹部應針對逐級陞遷建立不同能力指標、辦理測驗或培訓,非以積分作為唯一衡量標準。」及「提升考選程序中教育訓練評核項目並落實淘汰機制。」等修正建議。 The employment system for police personnel in our country is considered highly unique compared to other civil servant systems. It not only includes independent and specialized police education institutions but also operates on dual tracks of "examination, training, and employment" or "training, examination, and employment." Apart from generating discussions on the differences from other single-track civil servant recruitments, there have been numerous suggestions from exam candidates, academia, and exam system designers regarding the effectiveness of the current examination and training methods in selecting suitable candidates for practical agencies. Furthermore, when it comes to the promotion of current police officers to positions of police executives at or above the third level, apart from the controversy surrounding dual-track promotions, the Constitutional Court`s ruling in Interpretation No. 760 has declared that the lack of clear promotion criteria for those who have passed the third-level special police exam violates the constitutional guarantee of equality. Therefore, administrative authorities must take appropriate measures to rectify the disadvantageous treatment of affected individuals. This ruling once again impacts the current situation of human resources for the promotion of police officers at or above the third level. However, due to limited vacancies, there is still no consensus on the determination of promotion order and allocation proportions among different promotion channels. This study begins by reviewing the reform process of the police human resource employment system in our country, analyzing the main challenges currently faced. Specifically, it focuses on the problems arising from the transition from a single-track to a dual-track recruitment approach, drawing comparisons with police personnel systems in the United Kingdom, Japan, and South Korea to identify the causes of related issues and explore potential solutions. Subsequently, in-depth interviews are conducted with various stakeholders in the current police agencies, including police executives, former and current exam committee members, to understand their perspectives and positions on the two employment systems. From these insights, the study outlines the direction for future revisions of the police personnel employment system. Through research methods such as in-depth interviews, this study presents the following findings: 1) The police personnel employment system in our country still lacks concepts of human resource management. 2) The dual-track examination and training system for police personnel serves the same purpose but differs in nature, and they are not in direct competition. 3) The dual-track system of examination and training has a diverse impact on the organizational culture of the police. 4) Competence should be the basis for determining the promotion order in different promotion channels for police executives. Based on these findings, the study proposes several revision recommendations for future policy planning, including "strengthening the professionalism of human resource and education training personnel to ensure the quality of human resource employment operations," "implementing human resource inventory and job analysis to reevaluate organizational composition and the effectiveness of human resource utilization, establishing recruitment and personnel plans," "reviewing the purpose of police training and revising curriculum design," "establishing different competency indicators and conducting assessments or training for police executives` progressive promotions, rather than relying solely on points as the measurement standard," and "enhancing education and training evaluation items in the examination process and implementing elimination mechanisms." |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 105921030 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105921030 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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