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Title: | 公務人員退撫政策合法化的政策論證— 以2023年新進人員退撫制度為例 Policy Argumentation on the Legalization of Civil Service Retirement Policy -The Case of the Pension System for New Civil Servants in 2023 |
Authors: | 楊岱璉 |
Contributors: | 黃東益 楊岱璉 |
Keywords: | 公務人員退撫制度 政策論證 政策合法化 Public servants` retirement and severance system Policy analysis Policy legalization |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:36:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2018年我國進行了公務人員的年金改革,當時除了針對所得替代率、請領月退休金年限、改變退休金計算基準等相關措施外,為保障未來新進公務人員的退休權益,於我國公務人員退休資遣撫卹法第93條,明定2023年7月1日以後應針對新進人員制定一個全新的退撫制度,也因此啟動了本次退撫新制的建立。 本次的退撫新制適用對象僅為我國2023年7月1日以後的新進人員,行政機關採時間序列的方式進行切割新舊制人員,也因此在合法化過程中,立法委員、專家學者及利益團體認為新制度不應僅限於新進人員,可仿效當時勞工退休金改革時,給予現職人員選擇的權利,退撫制度對於公務人員的保障具有重要性,也因此適用對象的爭議在我國政策合法化階段備受討論。 本研究將藉由不同政策利害關係人的立場進行政策論證,了解不同政策政策利害關係人所保護的價值、背後的依據,以及了解行政機關對於退撫新制的制度選擇,所欲達到的政策價值及其所抱持的政策主張。 In 2018, our country carried out a pension reform specifically for public servants. In addition to changes in measures related to income replacement ratio, monthly retirement benefits term limits, and pensions calculation basis, a new retirement and severance system was established for the protection of future incoming public servants` retirement benefits. This was stipulated in Article 93 of the Act on Retirement, Severance, and Funeral Benefits for Civil Servants, in which it mandated the implementation of a completely new retirement and severance system for new recruits starting July 1, 2023. As a result, the establishment of this new retirement and severance system was initiated. This newly introduced retirement and severance system was only eligible for new recruits hired after July 1, 2023. Administrative agencies have implemented a time series approach to distinguish between personnel that are eligible. Consequently, during the process of legalization, legislators, experts, scholars and interest groups argued that the new system should not be limited to new recruits. Instead, they suggested to follow the example of a prior labor pension reform, where they also granted existing employees the right to choose. The retirement and severance system plays an important role in safeguarding the interests of public servants. As a result, the considerations involved in determining eligibility criteria for the new system became a controversial topic during the policy legalization phase in our country and sparked extensive discussions. This study herein aims to conduct policy analysis by considering the perspectives of various stakeholders involved in the policy making process. It seeks to understand the values protected by different policy stakeholders, their underlying justifications, and the institutional choices made by administrative agencies regarding the new retirement and severance system. Additionally, the study intends to explore the policy values pursued and the policy positions held by these agencies. |
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