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Title: | 數位科技應用對於組織法規運作成效之影響 -以考試院及所屬部會為例 The Impact of Digital Technology Applications on the Effectiveness of Organization Rules-A Case of the Examination Yuan and Affiliated Departments |
Authors: | 張雅婷 Chang, Ya-Ting |
Contributors: | 朱斌妤 張雅婷 Chang, Ya-Ting |
Keywords: | 組織法規 繁文縟節 效能法規 數位科技 人事法規 Organizational rules Red tape Green tape Digital technology Personnel rules |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:36:41 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 政府機關相較於私部門有更多法規,公務員的各項行政作為必須在既定的法規框架下行使公權力,以實踐依法行政之法治精神(Rule of Law)。既然法規是公部門不可或缺的要素,政府則應促使法規發揮其應有的功能及效用,並降低法規中的繁文縟節,而數位科技應用,即可作為政府提升法規效能之途徑。 政府組織法規中,繁複、窒礙難行且對於法規目的之達成無助益者,即為繁文縟節(Red Tape),是為無效能的法規;而有助於組織目標之達成者,是為有效能的法規(Green Tape),然就過去公共行政與公共管理對於組織法規之研究,較偏重於繁文縟節對於組織及個人的負面影響,鮮少探討政府組織中的效能法規。另依過去研究顯示,公部門中以「人事法規」之繁文縟節最為顯著,故本研究係以我國考試院及所屬部會作為研究個案,探討政府數位科技應用對於與繁文縟節及效能法規之影響。 本研究分三階段進行,首先透過文獻探討與實務專家訪談,調查研究個案機關內資訊系統使用情形及實務做法,並瞭解數位科技應用於減少繁文縟節及提升效能法規之實益,藉此,建構第二階段之問卷調查工具;研究第二階段,採用問卷調查方法,探索數位科技應用對於組織法規之影響關係;最後第三階段,依問卷調查與資料分析結果,訪談考試院及所屬部會之業務及資訊單位高階主管,驗證本研究結果並提出解決方法。 本研究調查結果顯示,考試院及所屬部會數位行政對於效能法規具有顯著正向影響,然而數位行政也提高組織法規中的繁文縟節;另一方面,數位行政有助於數位服務的發展;再者,提升行政機關中的效能法規,有助於降低繁文縟節。本研究結果可作為政府推動數位科技應用發展之策略方向,並提供公共管理者提升行政機關組織法規效能之依循。 The public sector has more rules than the private sector. The most administrative practice of civil servants should be under the rule of law. Since rules are an indispensable element of the public sector, the government should promote the functions of the rules and reduce ineffective rules. The application of digital technology can be a way for the government to improve the effectiveness of the rules. The organizational rules include Red Tape(i.e., ineffective rules)and Green Tape(i.e., effective rules). However, the previous study focused more on the Red Tape than the Green Tape. Past research indicated that Red Tape of "personnel rules" is the most prominent in the public sector, so this research is based on the central personnel authorities in Taiwan and engages in the personnel rules to explore the impact of digital technology applications on Red Tape and Green Tape in the government. This research includes three phases. In the first phase, this study conducted a literature review and interviews with practical experts to construct the questionnaire survey tool. In the second stage, the study used a questionnaire survey to collect data. In the last phase, based on the analysis results, this study interviewed the senior managers of the personnel and information sectors to confirm the research results and proposed solutions to the current situation. The findings of this study show that digital administration has a significant positive impact on Green Tape and increases Red Tape. On the other hand, the practice of digital administration positively impacts the practice of digital services. Moreover, Green Tape can help reduce Red Tape. The results of this study can help develop a digital government strategy and enhance the effectiveness of the organizational rule. |
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