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    Title: 新北市國小兼任行政職務教師知覺校長正向領導、心理資本與工作倦怠關係之研究
    A Study on the Relationship among Administrative Teachers’ Perceptions of the Principals’ Positive Leadership, Psychological Capital, and Job Burnout of Elementary Schools in New Taipei City
    Authors: 李彥佐
    Li, Yan-Zuo
    Contributors: 秦夢群
    Li, Yan-Zuo
    Keywords: 正向領導
    Positive leadership
    Psychological capital
    Job burnout
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:33:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討新北市國小校長正向領導、教師心理資本與教師工作倦怠關係之研究,研究對象為348名兼任行政職務教師。本研究採問卷調查法,包含校長正向領導量表、教師心理資本量表與教師工作倦怠量表。本研究透過描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析,主要結論如下:
    The study aimed at investigating and examining relationships between principals’ positive leadership, teachers’ psychological capital, and teachers’ job burnout for elementary schools’ teachers in New Taipei City. There were 348 teachers who held school administrative positions to participate in this study. This study adopted a questionnaire survey with three different questionnaires, including principals’ positive leadership, teachers’ psychological capital, and teachers’ job burnout. This study used descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple stepwise regression analysis to analyze data. The results in this study were as follows:
    1.The scores in a scale of the principals’ positive leadership were 4.110 points, and the scores in the subscale of positive communication were the highest.
    2.The scores in a scale of the teachers’ psychological capital were 3.888 points, and the scores in the subscale of hope were the highest.
    3.The scores in a scale of the teachers’ job burnout were 2.222 points, and the scores in the subscale of emotional exhaustion were the highest.
    4.Different administrative positions, administrative seniorities and school scales had significant differences on the scale of principals’ positive leadership.
    5.Different genders, ages, educational backgrounds, administrative positions, teaching seniorities, administrative seniorities, school scales and school types had significant differences on the scale of teachers’ psychological capital.
    6.Different teaching seniorities, administrative seniorities, and school types had significant differences on the scale of teachers’ job burnout.
    7.There was a positive correlation between the scores of principals’ positive leadership and the scores of teachers’ psychological capital.
    8.There was a negative correlation between the scores of principals’ positive leadership and the scores of teachers’ job burnout.
    9.There was a negative correlation between the scores of teachers’ psychological capital and the scores of teachers’ job burnout.
    10.The scores of principals’ positive leadership and teachers’ psychological capital could predict the scores of teachers’ job burnout negatively, and the “optimism” has the best predictive effect.
    According to the results, this study provided some suggestions for educational administration authorities, school managers, and future studies.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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