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Title: | 應用計畫行為理論探討臺灣公立大學研究人員搜尋學術文獻之意圖與行為 Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to Analyze the Intention and Behavior of Searching Scholarly Literature among Taiwan Academics |
Authors: | 黃鳳媚 Wong, Fung-Mei |
Contributors: | 林巧敏 Lin, Chiao-Min 黃鳳媚 Wong, Fung-Mei |
Keywords: | 計畫行為理論 書目資料庫 資訊檢索 檢索行為 研究人員 Theory of Planned Behavior, Bibliographic databases Information searching Searching behavior Researchers |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:29:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究探討研究人員在資訊檢索中使用書目資料庫的行為。資訊檢索在學術研究中扮演重要角色,瞭解研究人員的檢索行為對於提升資訊檢索效能和資訊服務的品質至關重要。本研究以計劃行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior)為概念框架,探討影響研究人員意圖和行為的因素,專注於態度、主觀規範和感知行為控制對研究人員檢索行為的影響。 研究採用問卷調查方式收集研究人員對書目資料庫使用行為的數據。通過相關分析和層次回歸模型對數據進行統計分析,以探討變量之間的關係。相關分析結果顯示,檢索意圖和行為有明顯的相關性,而態度、主觀規範和感知行為控制對研究人員的檢索意圖具有不同程度的影響,印證計劃行為理論可以用來解釋研究人員的檢索行為。 由於相關分析中自變量之間的解釋力相互重疊,從而放大了單一自變量的影響力。本研究運用層次回歸模型對數據進行進一步分析,結果顯示,態度和感知行為控制對檢索行為具有顯著影響力,而主觀規範對檢索行為則沒有。此外,在態度和感知行為控制對檢索行為有直接影響的前題下,意圖對行為並沒有明顯的影響。此發現能補充計劃行為理論在研究人類行為的運用。 本研究建議未來研究在資訊檢索行為研究中應結合多種研究方法,包括定量和定性方法,以獲得更全面、具體和可靠的研究結果。此外,未來研究應探索不同族群、文化和語言背景下的檢索行為差異,並考慮新興技術對檢索行為的影響。這將有助於提高資訊檢索效能和資訊服務的品質,同時豐富對檢索行為的理解。 This study investigates the behavior of researchers using bibliographic databases in information searching. Because information searching plays an important role in academic research, understanding researchers` searching behaviors is essential for improving the effectiveness of information searching and the quality of information services. Using the Theory of Planned Behavior as a conceptual framework, this study examines the effects of attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control on researchers on their intentions and behaviors of using bibliographic databases. A questionnaire survey was used to collect data on researchers` behavior of using bibliographic databases. The relations between variables were analyzed using correlation analysis and hierarchical regression modeling. The results of the correlation analysis indicated that there was a significant correlation between retrieval intention and behavior, and attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control had different degrees of influence on the researchers` retrieval intention, confirming that the Theory of Planned Behavior can be used to explain the researchers` searching behavior. Because independent variables overlap with each other in explaining the dependent variable, the explanatory power of the Pearson coefficient is often exaggerated. Therefore, this study further analyzed the data using hierarchical regression modeling. The results indicated that attitude and perceived behavioral control had a significant influence on behavior, but subjective norm did not. In addition, under the condition that attitudes and perceived behavioral control had a direct effect on behavior, behavior was not significantly determined by intention. This finding supplements the application of planned behavior theory to the study of human behavior. This study suggests that future research should combine multiple research methods, including quantitative and qualitative methods, in the study of information searching behavior in order to obtain more comprehensive, specific, and reliable results. In addition, future studies should explore the differences in searching behavior across ethnic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds, and also consider the impact of emerging technologies on searching behavior. This will help improve the effectiveness of information searching and the quality of information services, as well as enrich the understanding of information searching behavior. |
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