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    Title: 交流板與佈告欄: 即時通訊軟體下親師溝通的階級差異
    Online Platforms or Bulletin Boards: Class-based Differences in Parent-Teacher Communication Using Instant Messaging.
    Authors: 鄭詞云
    Cheng, Tzu-Yun
    Contributors: 姜以琳
    Chiang, Yi-Lin
    Cheng, Tzu-Yun
    Keywords: 教師
    Parent-teacher communication
    Digital divide
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:24:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在親師互動越發頻繁、電子交流媒介崛起的現今社會,教師透過即時通訊軟體與家長進行聯繫已經是親師溝通的主流形式。為了解教師眼中其與不同社經階級家長利用即時通訊軟體進行親師溝通下存在何種差異,並進一步探討互動差異帶來的影響為何?本研究與16位具有使用即時通訊軟體進行親師溝通經驗的現役國小教師進行訪談。研究結果發現,即時通訊軟體的使用對教師與中產階級家長和勞工階級家長進行親師溝通皆有所提升,但根據教師接收到的家長聯繫內容、頻率的差異,筆者認為即時通訊軟體在教師與不同社經階級家長進時親師溝通時扮演著不同屬性的平台角色-教師收到中產階級家長的積極回應使其成為了親師互動頻繁的交流版、教師也因為勞工階級家長傾向被動接收公告資訊而將之視為佈告欄。即便即時通訊軟體在不同階級間的親師溝通鮮少存在設備使用上的物質差異,但使用形式與態度的不同,仍在交流中形塑了數位落差。本研究為教師端的親師溝通策略提供新的詮釋角度,其有望促進教師與家長的互動協作,並協助提升親師溝通效率之相關政策的制定。
    In an era when parent-teacher interactions are increasingly frequent and especially commonly done through electronic communication platforms, teachers contacting parents through instant messaging apps has become a mainstream form of parent-teacher communications. To understand the differences in parent-teacher communication using instant messaging apps from the perspective of teachers, and further explore the impact of these interaction differences, this study conducted interviews with 16 elementary school teachers who are experienced in communicating with parents through instant messaging apps. This study found that the use of instant messaging apps improved parent-teacher communication for both middle-class and working-class parents. However, based on the differences in the content and frequency of parent-teacher contact, the study believes that instant messaging apps play different roles in facilitating parent-teacher communication with parents from different social-economic backgrounds. It serves as an active communication platform for teachers to interact with middle-class parents, while teachers perceive it as being similar to a bulletin board for passive reception of information by working-class parents. Despite the tone down of material differences in the use of instant messaging apps for parent-teacher communication across different social classes, the variations in use patterns still contribute to class-based digital divide in communication. This study provides an interpretative perspective for teachers in developing parent-teacher communication strategies, with the potential to facilitate a cooperative interaction between teachers and parents. The findings in this paper will assist policy makers to enhance the efficiency of parent-teacher communication.
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