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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/146658

    Title: 小農經濟永續轉型的機會與挑戰:臺灣中北部的經驗分析
    Opportunities and Challenges of Sustainability Transitions of Smallholder Agricultural Economy: An Empirical Analysis in Central and Northern Taiwan
    Authors: 胥永強
    Xu, Yong-Qiang
    Contributors: 鄭力軒

    Cheng, Li-Hsuan
    Tang, Ching-Ping

    Xu, Yong-Qiang
    Keywords: 小農經濟
    Smallholder economy
    Sustainability transitions
    Knowledge economy
    Agricultural innovation system
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:24:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 20世紀以來,農業技術的發展極大地改變了生產方式。國家和資本家日益加強的控制,促進了農業產業化,保證了更高的農業產量和更低的食品價格,養活了不斷增長的人口。然而,這種“進步”也帶來了問題,如食品安全、環境破壞以及與小農生存相關的社會問題等。雖然有機農業已被認為是解決這些問題的可行方案,但仍然存在極大的挑戰。
    Agricultural technology development since the 20th century has drastically transformed production methods. The increasing control by the state and capitalists has promoted the industrialization of agriculture that promises greater agricultural output and lower food prices to feed the ever-increasing population. However, such “progress” has also caused problems such as food safety, the destruction of the environment, and social problems associated with the viability of smallholder farming. While organic farming has been identified as a possible solution to these problems, enormous challenges remain.
    The study examines the experiences of such organic transformation in northern and central Taiwan to illustrate the challenges and possible solutions. Through interviews, participatory observations, and surveys on cooperatives, peasant markets, direct-selling agents, e-commerce platforms, and giant chain retailers, it is found that the combination of “value rationality” and “instrumental rationality” of the participants has driven the participants to engage. The regulatory infrastructure, the formation of networks for production technology dissemination, and the subsidies from the governmental agencies and the Farmers’ Associations are major contributors to the success. Universities and non-governmental organizations’ education and advocacy roles are also important factors in overcoming the challenges. Furthermore, this study also identifies the supplementary roles of three kinds of brokers in lowering the costs of organic produce transactions: self-interested, public-interest-oriented, and profit-making ones.
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