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    Title: 論公平待客原則制度之最新發展-以英國新消費者責任原則與新加坡公平交易指南為中心
    Recent Developments in the Fair Treatment of Customer - Centered on the UK`s New Consumer Duty and Singapore`s Guidelines on Fair Dealing
    Authors: 陳思岑
    Chen, Szu-Tsen
    Contributors: 陳俊元
    Chen, Chun-Yuan
    Chen, Szu-Tsen
    Keywords: 公平待客原則
    Fair Treatment of Customer
    Financial Consumer Protection
    Financial Consumer Protection Law
    UK’s New Consumer Duty
    Singapore`s Guidelines on Fair Dealing
    Outcome-Based Regulation
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:23:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 金融消費者保護乃為金融危機後各國政府、金融監理機關、國際組織、非政府組織、消費者本身最注重之議題。為重建當時金融消費者對金融市場的信心,並促進健全的金融生態圈發展,各國政府與金融監理機關認為其首要目標係應完善金融消費者保護之立法架構,因此陸續頒布金融消費者保護法,同時成立金融消費評議中心,期望透過立法與設立公平合理的申訴管道,來積極保障消費者權益。而「公平待客」觀念即從金融消費者保護中興起,且逐年受到全球金融市場與監理機關的重視,並接續就該理念訂定相關政策措施,期盼金融機構能具體落實,作為保護消費者的概念與方式之一。
    Financial consumer protection is a top priority for governments, financial regulators, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and consumers following the financial crisis. To rebuild consumer confidence and foster a stable financial ecosystem, governments and regulators focus on improving the legislative framework for financial consumer protection. They enact laws, establish financial ombudsman institutions, and promote fair treatment of customers through legislation and transparent complaint procedures.
    The concept of fair treatment has gained global attention, leading to the formulation of relevant policies and measures by financial institutions. Our supervisory authority implemented the Financial Consumer Protection Law in 2010, incorporating the fair treatment of customer principle as a practice guideline in 2015. Financial institutions are expected to adopt this principle internally to achieve system objectives. The authority evaluates institutions` implementation, impacting their reputation.
    However, questions remain regarding the measures, legal positions, and policy practices of the fair treatment system. This paper focuses on these issues, analyzing the policies and approaches of regulatory authorities in the UK and Singapore. By comparing their systems, the paper aims to propose policy recommendations and future directions for fair treatment of customer reforms, serving as a reference resource.
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    20. Shooklin & Bok, MAS Consultation Paper on Revisions to Guidelines on Fair Dealing – Board and Senior Management Responsibilities for Delivering Fair Dealing Outcomes to Customer, https://www.shooklin.com/images/publications/2023/MAS-Consultation-Paper- on-Revisions-to-Guidelines-on-Fair-Dealing.PDF
    21. Aveni, Is Consumer Duty just another TCF Thing?, https://aveni.ai/is-consumer- duty-just-another-tcf-thing/
    22. IQEQ, The FCA’s new Consumer Duty: what it means for UK firms, https://iqeq.com/insights/fcas-new-consumer-duty-what-it-means-uk-firms/
    23. Claro, What is Consumer Duty? Essential Guide to readying your firm and keeping compliant, https://blog.clarowellbeing.com/what-is-consumer-duty
    24. Linklaters, FCA Consumer Duty – Back to the Future?, https://financialregulation.linklaters.com/post/102hvc6/fca-consumer-duty-back- to-the-future
    25. PwC, A higher standard of customer protection,https://www.pwc.co.uk/industries/financial-services/understanding- regulatory-developments/fca-proposes-new-consumer-duty-in-paradigm-shift- for-firms.html
    26. The telemarketing company, What does the new FCA Consumer Duty mean for your business?, https://ttmc.co.uk/knowledge/articles/what-does-the-new-fca- consumer-duty-mean-for-your-business
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110358005
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