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    Title: 中國大陸針對非民主國家外宣之策略:以俄羅斯聯邦爲例
    China’s External Propaganda Strategy Towards Non-Democratic Countries: Example of the Russian Federation
    Authors: 周睿淵
    Andrei, Dagaev
    Contributors: 蔡文軒
    Tsai, Wen-hsuan
    Dagaev Andrei
    Keywords: 對外宣傳
    external propaganda
    Russia-China relations
    non-democratic countries
    soft power
    discursive power
    anti-China sentiments
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:22:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討中國大陸(以下簡稱中國)針對俄羅斯聯邦(以下簡稱俄羅斯)作爲非民主國家的對外宣傳(以下簡稱外宣)策略結構與運作,同時闡述其宣傳戰略的背景與目標。本研究以中國外宣機制為研究對象,探討中國外宣運作原理,如從推廣「軟實力」至爭取「話語權」之變動,且分析中國對民主國家以及非民主國家外宣策略之不同,以釐清其特性的所在。
    The study examines the organizational structure and operation of China`s external propagandastrategy towards the Russian Federation as a representative of a non-democratic country, and explains the background and objectives behind its propaganda strategy. The study takes the China’s external propaganda mechanism as the main object and examines the principles of China’s external propaganda operations, including the switch from promoting "soft power" to seeking for international "discursive power". Furthermore, the study analyzes the differences in China’s external propaganda strategies toward democratic and non-democratic countries in order to clarify their unique characteristics.
    For achieving this goal, the paper first analyzes the variety of propaganda tools that China has used towards Russia over more than the decade, including expanding the presence of Chinese state-run media in the Russian information sphere, cultural and educational propaganda, and new propaganda approaches such as "digital diplomacy". At the same time, the literature analysis and in-depth interviews with relevant experts are used to verify the formal and real objectives of China`s propaganda strategy towards Russia. The study focuses on China’s propaganda actions towards Russia in common and in certain conditions such as Covid-19 pandemic and the Belt and Road Initiative as case studies. The paper addresses the question how effectively these activities affect the attitudes of russian citizens towards China.
    This paper finds that in terms of style, China`s external propaganda towards Russia tends to be more in line with its strategy towards non-democratic countries, but structurally it combines the characteristics of both types of external propaganda. Firstly, even though Russia and China are close and friendly countries with similar political regimes, and China pursues the goal of improving its national image through external propaganda, its actual operations is limitedto maintain a formal presence. Secondly, China`s propaganda strategy towards Russia is a prominent case due to the specificity of Sino-Russian relations, the international factor and Russia`s internal situation. Finally, this study emphasizes that China`s external propaganda operations has not been able to change the perception of China while facing a powerful counterpart, and the improvement of perception depends on the influence of other factors.
    In conclusion, the results of the study suggest that China’s external propaganda cannot play a positive role while dealing with countries and publics with independent stance and change perception of China in short term. In other words, China’s external propaganda is not been able to change itself perception in other countries due to the political limitations. Summarizing, the author predicts that in the future China`s external propaganda towards Russia will focus on achieving quantitative operational targets, while the quality of propaganda will remain the same due to political constraints.
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