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Title: | 數位轉型驅動下的服務創新: 以優派公司為個案研究 Digital Transformation-Driven Service Innovation: A Case Study of ViewSonic |
Authors: | 李威儀 Lee, Wei-Yi |
Contributors: | 鄭至甫 Jeng, Jyh-Fu 李威儀 Lee, Wei-Yi |
Keywords: | 數位轉型 服務創新 服務創新開發 動態服務創新能力 Digital Transformation Service Innovation Service Innovation Development Dynamic Service Innovation Capabilities |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:13:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在現今競爭激烈的商業環境中,企業面臨市場需求和個性化服務的增加,傳統硬體品牌商面臨同質化、價格競爭和利潤空間減少等挑戰。數位轉型成為企業改變業務模式和進行服務創新的策略,從產品導向轉向以服務為導向,提供個性化解決方案,加強與客戶的合作夥伴關係。然而,從硬體品牌商轉型為軟硬體整合解決方案的服務創新仍缺乏深入研究和實證支持,對於關鍵數位資源、能力、組織架構和策略的理解不足。此外,缺乏關於這些因素如何影響服務創新的不同階段開發流程和管理的研究,以及數位轉型推動製造業服務化的具體策略和方法,限制了對企業在數位轉型中實現服務創新的理解。
因此本研究選擇以 ViewSonic (優派公司)作為單一研究個案,旨在深入了解企業如何運用數位轉型中所建立的關鍵數位資源、能力、組織架構和策略,對服務創新的不同階段開發流程和管理產生影響。研究動機在於探討企業如何從硬體品牌商轉型為軟硬體整合解決方案提供商,實現服務創新。此外,本研究亦關注數位轉型和服務創新之間的互動作用,以理解數位轉型對企業的服務創新能力的影響,並探索數位轉型如何增強各種動態服務創新能力。
本研究綜合多項研究結果,揭示企業數位轉型和服務創新的關鍵要素。首先,商業模式主導型數位轉型策略中,內建軟體開發和企業領導層的積極參與對於推動服務創新具有積極影響。其次,數位轉型能透過數據分析、多渠道接觸和敏捷開發,強化企業感知顧客需求、提升創新效率和內外部協作能力。而組織調整和使用數位工具平台有助於結構文化適應轉型,推廣創新服務。本研究結果對企業制定數位轉型和服務創新策略提供實證和理論貢獻,豐富相關領域的理論框架和實務指導。 In today`s competitive business environment, companies face challenges such as increased market demands and the need for personalized services. Digital transformation has emerged as a strategy for businesses to adapt their business models and engage in service innovation. However, there is limited research and empirical support for the transformation from hardware manufacturers to providers of integrated hardware-software solutions and its impact on service innovation.
This study focuses on ViewSonic as a single case study to investigate how key digital resources, capabilities, organizational structures, and strategies established during digital transformation influence the different stages of service innovation. The research aims to explore how companies transition from hardware manufacturers to providers of integrated solutions and achieve service innovation. Additionally, it examines the interaction between digital transformation and service innovation to understand the impact of digital transformation on companies` service innovation capabilities and explore how it enhances various dynamic service innovation abilities.
The study integrates multiple research findings and reveals crucial factors for digital transformation and service innovation in companies. Internal software development and active leadership involvement are identified as positively influencing service innovation in business model-driven digital transformation strategies. Digital transformation strengthens companies` ability to perceive customer needs, improve innovation efficiency, and foster internal and external collaboration through data analysis, multi-channel engagement, and agile development. Organizational adjustments and the utilization of digital tools and platforms facilitate structural adaptation and the promotion of innovative services. This research provides empirical and theoretical contributions, enriching the existing frameworks and practical guidance for companies in formulating digital transformation and service innovation strategies. |
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