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Title: | 博物館的知識中介—以國立故宮博物院為例 Knowledge Brokering in Museums: A Case Study of National Palace Museum |
Authors: | 李承燁 Lee, Cheng-Yeh |
Contributors: | 張瑜倩 Chang, Yu-Chien 李承燁 Lee, Cheng-Yeh |
Keywords: | 知識中介者 博物館 知識傳遞 導覽志工 博物館教育 Knowledge broker Museum Knowledge transfer Volunteer docent Museum education |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 14:12:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著知識經濟時代的來臨以及博物館定義演進,博物館已經成為現今社會大眾的熱門休閒選擇以及知識學習場所。其中,因為對於典藏文物的理解以及知識累積,與一般大眾產生知識上的落差,形成知識疆界的現象,也導致其知識共享的成效受到影響,亦即觀眾不易理解複雜的文物知識。為了消弭鴻溝並達成知識學習,除了知識物件的導入之外,導覽人員因為佔據了串接雙方的特殊位置,因其角色和知識傳遞技巧而成為博物館裡重要的知識中介者。 本研究旨在探討博物館中的知識中介者如何在博物館中的導覽場域進行知識傳遞,包含其中介方法、所處中介位置並最終歸納出博物館的導覽中介模式。本研究以參觀人次穩居世界前段,並且導覽培訓制度較為成熟的國立故宮博物院作為研究個案;除了主要透過參與觀察法蒐集資料,同時也透過與三位導覽志工進行深入訪談,探求導覽志工對於博物館知識中介的技巧以及理解。 本研究發現,雖然博物館中充滿知識傳遞的物件,然文物知識的複雜性使得目前的內嵌機制不容易理解,因此導覽介入仍十分重要,且其培訓制度能確保導覽志工具有足夠的知識正確性。針對不同的觀眾類型,中介者會採取不同的傳遞手法,將概念由淺入深地介紹給觀眾。於博物館以及特展背景知識,中介者採取知識轉移手法,將簡單的概念傳達給觀眾。針對個別的文物知識,中介者則採取知識轉移以及轉譯的方式;其中知識轉譯又可以再分成名詞解釋、視覺引導、與本身背景結合和比喻,協助理解過去觀眾陌生的專有名詞。最後,本研究發現導覽志工同時考量博物館方以及觀眾的特殊位置,提出了「推廣者」的中介類型,並說明正確性、靈活性以及數位化將是博物館中介模式的重要特質。本研究結果可提供未來博物館及文化機構進行知識傳遞時的參考。 With the growth of knowledge economy and the development of the definition of museums, museums have become a popular leisure institution and an important place of learning in the society. With the continuous research outcomes and knowledge accumulation of the collections and cultural relics, there is a knowledge gap forming the knowledge boundaries, which lead to the ineffectiveness of knowledge sharing, between museums and the public. In order to bridge this knowledge gap, docents occupy a special position to connect the these two sides and become knowledge brokers through their flexibility and communication skills. This study aims to investigate how knowledge brokers in museums conduct knowledge sharing in museum guide tours, including methods, brokering positions, and general museum guide mode. This study selects the National Palace Museum, which has one of the highest number of visitors in the world and has a more mature volunteer training system, as a case study. In addition to data collected mainly through participant observation inside the museums, this study also uses in-depth interviews to explore museum volunteers’ skills and understanding of knowledge brokerage. This study finds out that the complexity of knowledge makes existing boundary objects difficult to understand. Thus, knowledge brokers adopt different methods to introduce the concepts. For example, for background knowledge, brokers use knowledge transfer methods to bridge the knowledge gap and for individual artifact, they tend to adopt both transfer and translate methods. Finally, this study also finds a new brokering position “promoter”, and suggests that accuracy, flexibility, and digitization will be important characteristics for future museum knowledge brokerage. |
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