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    Title: 時尚服飾永續循環經濟研究 - 從需求端觀點討論生態系的佈建
    A Study on the Sustainable Circular Economy of Fashion Apparel - Exploring the Establishment of a Business Ecosystem from the Demand-Side Perspective
    Authors: 曹開昱
    Tso, Kai-Yu
    Contributors: 吳思華
    Tso, Kai-Yu
    Keywords: 需求
    Demand-side perspective
    Business ecosystem
    Establishment of a Business Ecosystem
    Circular economy
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:12:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在快時尚產業蓬勃發展的現代社會中,衍生出了許多資源浪費與污染的議題,許 多新創事業試圖以處理淘汰的二手衣,緩解這個社會問題,然而以線性經濟的思維能 做的改善有限。因此本研究藉由探討美國第一家成功 IPO 的女裝租賃公司 Rent the Runway(以下簡稱 RTR),其對消費者需求的洞察與為滿足需求所進行的生態系佈建 跟生態系的演化,提供台灣新創事業以循環經濟的角度規劃女裝事業的策略建議。
    本研究採個案研究法為研究方法,並以次級資料的蒐集來分析個案資料。研究結 果發現,RTR 能將服飾共享租賃事業成功完成 IPO,係因將服飾共享租賃的價值融入 女性的日常生活中,並且與相關的合作夥伴有良好的合作方式與互利機制,持續吸引 服飾品牌進入 RTR 生態系內提供商品。
    為了瞭解如在台灣搭建循環時尚生態系統,本研究亦研究了台灣的服裝產業現 況、台美之間的地理環境與物流基礎設施的差異、台美人民的社交與穿衣習慣差異, 並藉由對 RTR 的發展研究,提出在台灣應以社會企業的模式推廣共享時尚對社會環境 的正面意義,以 B2B 的方式與企業合作,並藉企業的力量將時尚服飾的循環經濟成為 民眾的穿衣新習慣。
    In modern society where the fast fashion industry is thriving, many issues of resource waste and pollution have emerged. Many startups are attempting to address this social problem by dealing with discarded second-hand clothing. However, the improvements that can be made through linear economic thinking are limited. Therefore, this study explores Rent the Runway(RTR), the first women`s clothing rental company in the United States to go public, examining its insights into consumer demand and the establishment and evolution of an ecosystem based on meeting those needs. The study aims to provide suggestions for Taiwanese startups in planning their business strategies from a circular economy perspective.
    This study adopts a case study approach as the research method and analyzes the case data through the collection of secondary data. The research findings indicate that RTR`s success in completing an IPO in the fashion sharing and rental business is attributed to incorporating the value of fashion sharing and rental into women`s daily lives and maintaining a good cooperative approach and mutually beneficial mechanisms with relevant partners, which continuously attracts fashion brands to provide goods within the RTR ecosystem.
    To understand how to build a circular fashion ecosystem in Taiwan, this study also investigates the current situation of the clothing industry in Taiwan, the differences in geographical environment and logistics infrastructure between Taiwan and the United States, and the differences in social interactions and dressing habits between Taiwanese and Americans. By studying the development of RTR, the study proposes promoting the positive impact of shared fashion on the social environment in Taiwan through a social enterprise model, collaborating with businesses in a B2B manner, and leveraging the power of enterprises to transform the sustainable circular economy of fashion and change people`s dressing habits.
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