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    Title: 差評如潮、銷量激增?以UTAUT2及情感依附探討《寶可夢》遊戲之持續使用現象
    Exploring the Continuous Intention of Playing Pokémon Games A Research Based on UTAUT2 Model and Emotional Attachment
    Authors: 賈天擇
    Contributors: 陳聖智
    Sheng-Chih Chen
    Keywords: 寶可夢
    Continuous Intention
    Emotional Attachment
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:10:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在我們身處的後疫情時代,數位遊戲已經成為一種重要的娛樂休閒方式。作為一款經典遊戲,《寶可夢》系列走過27個年頭,經久不衰,銷量屢創新高。備受矚目的是,迎接《寶可夢》的不僅是掌聲,而是網路上如潮水般的差評。這可不是什麼“網路水軍”,差評的作者大多是貨真價值的《寶可夢》玩家,甚至還有忠實老粉絲。這是為什麼呢?






    Video gaming gained immense significance as a popular recreational activity in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, with its popularity only escalating in the post-pandemic period. Pokémon, a video game with a lineage of some 27 years, continues to maintain a notable presence in the gaming world, and continuing to maintain robust sales. Yet, surprisingly, amidst its continuing popularity, Pokémon has been subjected to a flood of negative reviews, most of which originate from its genuine fan base rather than from sponsored critics. How could that be?

    This study relays on the adjusted Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology2 (UTAUT2) model as the research framework to identify factors that affect players’ Satisfaction and Continuous Intention towards Pokémon games. Emotional Attachment is viewed as a moderator variable to realize the moderation effect between variables. Additionally, negative reviews are viewed as intervention. This study has been conducted via an online questionnaire survey, in which 1202 responses were collected, of that number, 957 responses were deemed to be valid samples.

    The study’s key findings include:

    1. Players demonstrate a diversified intention and behavior towards Pokémon games. Game makers shall fulfill their diversified demands, pay attention to different gaming platforms, and provide them with a better gaming experience.

    2. Males display more positive attitudes towards most variables than females; Younger generations are more likely to agree with some of the variables; Differences are also found between countries and regions; Players are likely to maintain their positive attitudes towards Pokémon games even when they were unsupportive of particular entries to the series. They are also less likely to be affected by electronic words-of-mouth (word-of-mouse).

    3. The variables Price of Value, Hedonic Motivation and Habit all have a positive effect on players’ Satisfaction towards Pokémon games. Also, their Satisfaction has a positive effect on their Continuous Intention.

    4. The moderator variable Emotional Attachment demonstrates a negative moderation effect on the relationship between Price of Value and Satisfaction, between Hedonic Motivation and Satisfaction, and between Habit and Satisfaction.

    5. The negative reviews on the Internet only show a small decrease in the reader’s Continuous Intention.
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