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    Title: 台灣網紅形象危機之修護策略:修護時機、過往形象與自我責任歸因
    The Image Repair Strategy of Taiwanese Social Media Influencers` Image Crisis: The Timing of Image Restoration, Prior Reputation and Self Responsibility Attribution
    Authors: 邱僅棠
    Chiu, Jin-Tang
    Contributors: 江靜之
    Chiang, Chin-Chih
    Chiu, Jin-Tang
    Keywords: 自我責任歸因
    Image Crisis
    Image Repair Strategy
    Prior Reputation
    Social Media Influencer
    Self Responsibility Attribution
    Three Stages of Crisis
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:09:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,社群媒體的活絡帶動社群媒體影響者興起。隨著時代的遷徙,擁有眾多追蹤者與粉絲的網紅也從次文化娛樂之象徵,逐漸轉變為主流意見之發聲者,成為新一代行銷、政治及公共事務領域之社會影響者。然而,社群媒體是一把雙面刃,它能讓組織或個人快速獲得許多關注,也能使人一夕之間跌落神壇,而其中與社群媒體共存共榮的網紅之形象也是如此。雖然社群媒體可能帶來危機,卻也是公眾人物修補危機或形象的良好工具。
    Recently, the vibrancy of social media has led to the rise of social media influencers (SMI). With the passage of time, SMIs have gradually transformed from the symbol of subculture and entertainment to a voice maker of mainstream opinion becoming a new generation of social influencers in marketing, politics, and public affairs. However, social media is a two-sided blade that quickly brings fame towards an organization or an individual, but just as rapidly it can also damage their reputation. This type of incident is a common occurrence for SMIs in their career. Although social media may bring a crisis, a lot of public relation research indicates that it is an efficient tool for public figures to repair their image.
    In the following research, this study uses image repaired strategies brought by Benoit as the main theory, and the three stages of the image crisis on social media and self responsibility attribution as variables. We use quantitative context analysis as the research method, and the SMIs crisis response in social media as the analysis sample. First, we analyze the characteristics of SMIs using image repair strategies in different types of crises during different crisis stages. Secondly, we summarize how SMIs use image repair strategies to describe the causes of crises. Finally, we analyze how the prior reputation of SMIs influences their choice of image repair strategies and the causes of crisis. The purpose of this study is to help future SMIs who face image crises by understanding how they can utilize image repair strategies to repair their images.
    There are five key findings from this study. First, the clarity of crisis evidence determines the strategic choice of SMIs, but this finding does not apply to love scandals. Secondly, female SMIs repair their images by building sisterhood with female netizens, whereas male SMIs clarify rumors, and the male and female group SMIs issue legal statements in response to the crisis. Thirdly, the result shows that the different communication perspective does not affect the relationship between the image repair crisis and the cause of crisis. Forth, except for the “generation stage”, the image repair strategies that SMIs use in the three-stage of crisis were the same as suggestions made by the Social-Mediated Crisis Model. Fifth, there is a statistical significance between the image repair strategies “denial” and “reducing offensiveness of event”, and the causes of crisis.
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