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    Title: 韓中字幕翻譯的簡化策略分析—以《與神同行》及其續作文本與譯者訪談為視角
    Analysis of Simplification Strategies in Korean-Chinese Subtitling: A Perspective from the Texts of ";Along with the Gods";and Its Sequels and In-depth Interviews with Translators
    Authors: 黃鏡芸
    Huang, Jing-Yun
    Contributors: 林侑毅
    Huang, Jing-Yun
    Keywords: 韓中字幕翻譯
    Korean-Mandarin translation
    Korean-Mandarin subtitling
    Simplification strategies in subtitling
    In-depth interview
    Korean translation education
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:07:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在全球化發展下,韓國影視作品快速傳播之世界各地,台灣亦自1990年代起引進韓國影視作品,至今已有多部韓國戲劇與電影在台廣受觀眾喜愛,韓國影視作品因而在台灣的外國影視市場佔有一席地位。隨著翻譯的重要性日益提升,以及韓國影視作品在台灣的興盛發展,使得以中文與韓文為主軸的字幕翻譯相關研究,成為重要的研究課題。故本研究旨在探究韓國電影中文字幕的簡化現象,從理論與實務分析韓中字幕翻譯的簡化策略,以期能促進韓中字幕翻譯教學與譯者培養的發展。
    綜合上述理論與實務之韓中字幕翻譯簡化策略,本研究進一步得出以下四項結論:1. 理論與實務皆重視提升譯文可讀性帶來之字幕簡化;2. 理論與實務皆強調減少譯出影像多重符號性造成之重複訊息;3. 實務較重視字數的控制;4. 實務較不傾向透過訊息的流失來簡化譯文。
    Since the 1990s, Taiwanese audiences have consistently shown a strong appreciation for Korean dramas and movies, resulting in their widespread popularity in the country. Consequently, Korean film and television productions have acquired a notable foothold within Taiwan`s international film and television industry. The significance of translation has been increasingly recognized, particularly in light of the flourishing Korean film and television industry in Taiwan. Consequently, scholarly attention has turned towards subtitle translation, specifically in the context of Mandarin and Korean languages. This research area has emerged as a crucial and noteworthy academic pursuit. Hence, the primary objective of this study was to investigate the phenomenon of simplification observed in subtitling, considering both theoretical and practical aspects. The primary objective was to enhance the advancement of Korean-to-Mandarin subtitling education and the training of translators.
    This study has examined the commercial success and representative nature of the films "Along with the Gods" and its sequel in the Taiwanese box office. The corpus used in this study has consisted of the Korean dialogues and their corresponding Mandarin subtitles extracted from two films. This study has initially employed a literature analysis methodology to examine relevant studies on the simplification of interpretation, translation, and subtitling. The findings of the observation indicate that strategies for the simplification of subtitling encompass multiple dimensions, such as linguistic simplification, semantic simplification, and content simplification. Linguistic simplification encompasses the exclusion of fillers and interjections, as well as the omission of honorifics and titles. Additionally, it encompasses the manipulation of sentence structures, the exclusion of conjunctions, and the modification of the source language`s scope to align with the target language through the simplification of grammar. Semantic simplification involves the utilization of superordinate terms and synonyms. Content simplification involves condensing, omitting, and deleting messages. Omission refers to the exclusion of redundant sentences and redundant meaning, while deletion involves removing modifiers and secondary information.
    The research findings have indicated that vocabulary simplification primarily involves the omission of terms that lack substantive meaning and can be supplemented visually, as well as the omission or substitution of vocabulary that does not adhere to the language norms of the target language. In contrast, the process of structural simplification primarily entails the modification of sentence structures and the utilization of omission strategies to streamline grammatical elements that deviate from the linguistic conventions of the intended language. The phenomenon of semantic simplification primarily arises due to an overabundance of information contained within subtitles. Consequently, the utilization of superordinate terms and synonyms is employed to mitigate the intricacy of the data, thereby facilitating its simplification. The process of content simplification involves reducing, excluding, or removing messages that contain unnecessary repetition or can be understood through context or visual channels. The objective of this reduction is to minimize redundant and repetitive language in subtitles, thereby accomplishing simplification.
    This study has conducted in-depth interviews with translators of "Along with the Gods" and its sequels, building upon the theoretical framework mentioned earlier. The research findings have indicated that vocabulary simplification is employed to minimize interference with the audience`s viewing experience and mitigate the potential for translationese resulting from linguistic disparities between the two nations. In contrast, the process of structural simplification is predominantly driven by the linear structure of subtitles and seeks to mitigate the potential translationese that may arise from linguistic disparities between the source and target languages. Semantic simplification is utilized as a strategy to decrease word count and mitigate cultural disparities. The process of content simplification aims to minimize the quantity of subheadings and eliminate the translation of unnecessary or repetitive information.
    Based on the integration of the aforementioned theoretical and practical strategies for the simplification of Korean-to-Mandarin subtitling, this research further derives the following four conclusions: 1. Both theoretical and practical approaches highlight the importance of simplifying subtitles in order to improve the readability of text; 2. Both theoretical and practical approaches prioritize the reduction of message repetition resulting from the presence of multiplicity of channels; 3. In practical application, there is a greater emphasis on the regulation of word count: 4. In practical application, there exists a diminished inclination to streamline the translation process at the expense of preserving the fluidity of conveyed information.
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    Wen, T. H. (2009), Simplification as a Recurrent Translation Feature: A Corpus-based Study of Modern Chinese Translated Mystery Fiction in Taiwan, University of Manchester.
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109557003
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