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    Title: 探討持續觀看與推薦VTuber之因素
    Exploring the Factors of Continuous Watching and Recommendation of VTuber
    Authors: 黃郁芳
    Contributors: 洪為璽
    Hung, Wei-Hsi
    Keywords: VTuber
    Parasocial Interaction
    Emotional Attachment
    Intention to Continuous Viewing
    Intention to Recommend
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:05:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 虛擬直播主VTuber作為一種新型態的直播模式,討論熱度在近年飛快地成長。VTuber是以虛擬化身於螢幕上活動,他們的真實身分、外貌得以被隱藏,因為隔著這層虛擬化身與人物設定,VTuber能夠向觀眾同時展現動畫角色的魅力以及真實的性格,讓觀眾獲得虛擬的陪伴感。儘管VTuber在世界各地越來越受歡迎,也有越來越多學者開始投入這方面的研究,但較少學者是以觀眾的角度探討為何VTuber能受到喜愛,以及為何VTuber直播會讓人想要持續觀看並受到推薦。因此,本研究以歸因理論整理出四項外部因素與兩項內部因素,探討觀眾著迷於VTuber的因素,以及對持續觀看與推薦意圖的影響。本研究透過分析412位曾經觀看過VTuber直播觀眾的經驗,來驗證本研究之模型與假說。研究結果顯示,外部因素如VTuber特質(外表吸引力、社交吸引力、聲音吸引力)與擬人化是產生擬社會互動重要的因素,內部因素如逃避現實的需要與情感信任是產生情感依戀的重要因素,而擬社會互動與情感依戀對持續觀看與推薦意圖有正向顯著的影響。最後,根據研究結果提出理論與實務面之貢獻與未來研究建議,期望能為未來的VTbuer在經營頻道上帶來幫助。
    VTubers, also known as virtual YouTubers, have rapidly gained popularity in recent years. VTubers operate as virtual avatars on the screen, concealing their real identities and appearances. Through these virtual avatars, VTubers can simultaneously showcase the charm of animated characters and their authentic personalities, allowing viewers to experience a sense of virtual companionship. Despite the growing popularity of VTubers worldwide and the increasing number of scholars conducting research in this area, there are relatively few scholars who have explored the reasons why VTubers are loved by viewers. Therefore, this study examines the factors that fascinate viewers of VTubers and their influence on continued watching and intention to recommend. Through analyzing the experiences of 412 viewers who have watched VTuber livestreams, this study validates the proposed model and hypotheses. The results of the study show that external factors such as VTuber traits and anthropomorphism play an important role in generating parasocial interaction. Internal factors such as the need for escapism and emotional trust are crucial for generating emotional attachment. Parasocial interaction and emotional attachment have a positive and significant impact on continued watching and intention to recommend. Based on the findings, theoretical and practical contributions are presented with the hope of providing assistance to future VTubers in channel operation.
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