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    Title: 數位轉型社會契合度之個案研究
    Social Alignment in Digital Transformation: A Case Study
    Authors: 賀琬茹
    Ho, Wan-Ju
    Contributors: 張欣綠
    Chang, Hsin-Lu
    Ho, Wan-Ju
    Keywords: 數位轉型
    Digital transformation
    Social alignment
    Social capital theory
    Business-IT alignment process
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 14:03:52 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 數位轉型需要跨部門的訓練和合作,使得資訊科技(IT)團隊與其他業務單位之間的協調變得至關重要。社會契合度主要強調的是人與人之間的關係,在各種契合度中具有重要性。若IT與非IT員工之間的有著良好的關係,將能提高他們的合作和互動的意願,因此社會契合度是數位轉型的基本要素之一。然而,過去的研究主要集中在策略契合度上,對於整個組織的社會契合度研究有限。在我們的研究中,我們以一家國際電子製造服務公司MyComputer 作為我們的個案公司進行研究,以瞭解在轉型過程中影響社會契合度的因素。藉由社會資本理論(SCT)的理論視角,我們發現關係聯結、認知聯結和結構聯結有著相互增強的關係,並且結構聯結在這三種聯結中扮演主導角色,而這三者都有助於提高社會契合度。此外,我們還發現從過去的失敗經驗中吸取教訓、調整公司使其成為開放的公司文化、下放權力至底層員工並且培養他們對於當前企業目標的遠見,都是實現社會契合度的關鍵因素。
    Digital transformation necessitates cross-functional discipline and collaboration, making alignment between the information technology (IT) team and other business units crucial. Social alignment, which centers on interpersonal relationships, holds significant importance among the various alignments. Strong relationships between IT and non-IT employees foster a willingness to cooperate and engage with others, thereby serving as a foundational element for digital transformation. However, prior studies have primarily focused on strategic alignment, leaving limited research on social alignment throughout the entire digital transformation of an organization. In this study, we examined MyComputer, an international electronic manufacturing services company, to gain insights into the factors influencing social alignment during the transformation process. Drawing upon the theoretical perspective of social capital theory (SCT), our research findings demonstrate that relational, cognitive, and structural linkages exhibit mutual reinforcement and contribute to the enhancement of social alignment. Furthermore, we have identified structural linkages as the dominant influencer among the three types of linkages. In addition to this, organizational endeavors, including learning from past failure experiences, cultural reshaping, and visionary and delegating leadership styles, emerge as key factors in achieving social alignment.
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