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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/146527
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    Title: 汽車零件設計專利保護之界限與維修免責條款立法芻議──以戴姆勒公司訴帝寶公司設計專利侵權一案為楔子
    The Limitations of Design Patent Protection for Spare Parts and Preliminary Legislative Proposal for Repair Clause: A Research Inspired by Daimler AG v. DEPO Auto Parts Ind. Co., Ltd.
    Authors: 何曜任
    Ho, Yao-Jen
    Contributors: 吳秀明

    Ho, Yao-Jen
    Keywords: 設計專利
    Design patent
    Lock-in effect
    Repair clause
    Unilateral refusal to license
    Abuse of market power
    Unfair practices
    Principle of good faith
    Implied license doctrine
    Patent misuse doctrine
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:53:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於汽車外觀零件具有「必須匹配一致性」,正廠零件之競爭者必須生產完全相同外觀造型之零件始能進入市場,難以進行迴避設計,致使汽車零件之售後市場產生鎖入效應,持有設計專利之汽車製造商可輕易將市場力量延伸至售後市場,甚而取得獨占地位。消費者在缺乏替代品可供選擇的鎖入情境下,可能只能忍受選擇權被剝奪,並聽任原廠抬高價格予取予求。因為汽車零件售後市場前述之特性,於此如何妥善管制與規範汽車製造商不當之權利行使行為,以保護廣大汽車消費者之利益,並促進售後市場之競爭,自屬重要之課題,更牽動副廠零件業者等其他利益團體之利益,這使得一些國家在多年以前就開始出現應當「自由化」售後市場,令副廠零件業者得以進入售後市場的呼聲。我國司法實務近來首次於賓士汽車製造商即德商戴姆勒公司控告副廠零件大廠帝寶公司侵害其頭燈設計專利一案就相關案件作出裁判,此實乃吾人省視此一課題之契機。
    前揭之課題涉及設計專利權之保護範圍為何,及其權利行使之界限又應如何劃定之問題,所牽涉法律規範十分廣泛,至少包含專利法、競爭法、民法等層面,並於國際上具有高度之爭議性。本研究以下將就前揭課題進行深入探討,並嘗試指出專利法、競爭法、民法(誠信原則)等規範作為汽車零件售後市場相關法律爭議解決基礎實有一定的侷限。為達成釜底抽薪之效果,本研究建議引進維修免責條款,且宜採類似美國Save Money on Auto Repair Transportation Act法案採取的方案,將設計保護期間予以縮短,如此較能在將社會福祉最大化之餘兼顧專利權人之利益及設計專利制度的完整性。為貫徹維修免責條款之立法意旨,另有必要設置告知義務的要件,命副廠零件業者應告知消費者其並非零件的設計保護權利人,且須告知其零件僅以維修為目的,不能使用於其他用途。為緩解新法施行所帶來的衝擊,亦有必要設置過渡期間條款,又為盡量將汽車零件設計之社會福祉最大化,似無特別設置「依附性」的要件以限縮維修免責條款適用範圍之必要。此外,維修免責條款本質上確實屬於被告在侵權訴訟中之抗辯,與「法定不予設計專利保護事項」究屬不同,宜認維修免責條款係「設計專利保護的例外事由」較為妥適。再又,因為台灣目前欠缺第三方副廠零件品質認證機制,在引進維修免責條款時,為確保副廠零件的品質,可以建立類似美國合格汽車零件協會(Certified Automotive Parts Association)認證的第三方品質認證機制。希本研究未來可作為我國消費者維修權理論之研究基礎,而有助於其後續之發展。
    Due to the "must-match" feature of automotive exterior parts, competitors to genuine parts or OEM parts must produce spare parts with the same appearance before they may enter the market. Therefore, it is difficult for the competitors to design around. Such feature results in a lock-in effect in the aftermarket of spare parts. Automobile manufacturers holding design patents may easily extend its market power to the aftermarket and even achieve a monopoly position. Trapped in the lock-in situation without alternatives to choose from, consumers may be forced to endure the deprivation of their right to choose alternative products and allow automobile manufacturers to raise prices as they please. Given the aforesaid features of automotive spare parts aftermarket, how to properly protect the interests of a significant number of consumers, promote competition in the aftermarket, control and regulate the improper exercise of intellectual property rights and abuse of market power by automobile manufacturers became an important issue. This issue also affects the interests of other interest groups such as non-OEM suppliers, resulting in the emergence of initiatives to liberalize the aftermarket and allow non-OEM suppliers to enter such aftermarket in certain countries several years ago. In Taiwan, a judgment was recently made on the case of Daimler AG, the German automobile manufacturer of Mercedes-Benz, suing DEPO Auto Parts Ind. Co., a major non-OEM supplier, for infringing its headlight design patent. This is the first time in the history of Taiwan’s judicial practice for a case relevant to the aforesaid issue to be brought to the court’s attention, presenting an opportunity for researchers to review the aforesaid issue.
    The aforesaid issue involves the scope of design patent protection and how to define the limitations of the exercise of the patentee’s rights. The laws involved here are very extensive, including at least patent law, competition law, civil law, etc., and are considered highly controversial by countries around the world. This article will discuss in-depth the aforesaid issue, and attempt to indicate that there are certain disadvantages of using patent law, competition law, and civil law (the principle of good faith) as the basis for resolving legal disputes related to the automotive spare parts aftermarket. To resolve the aforesaid issue once and for all, this article proposes that it would be advisable for Taiwan to introduce the repair clause and adopt rules similar to Save Money on Auto Repair Transportation Act Act of the U.S. to shorten the design patent protection period, so as to maximize the social benefits while taking into account the interests of the patentee and the integrity of the design patent system. To fulfill the legislative purpose of the repair clause, it is also necessary to adopt a due diligence requirement requiring non-OEM suppliers to inform consumers that it is not the owner of the design right of the spare parts and that such spare parts must be used exclusively for the purpose of the repair of automobile so as to restore its original appearance; in order to mitigate the impact of the implementation of repair clause, it is also necessary to adopt a transition period clause; and in order to maximize the social benefit of spare parts design, there seems to be no need to adopt a requirement for a "dependency" requirement to limit the scope of repair clause. In addition, the repair clause is in its essence a defense for the defendant in infringement litigation and different from a provision indicating "subject matter statutorily excluded from design patent protection." It is more appropriate to consider the repair clause "an exception to design patent protection." Therefore, in the litigation process, the accused infringer shall bear the burden of proof to prove that the repair clause applies to the present case. Moreover, since Taiwan currently lacks a mechanism of third-party certification assuring the quality of non-OEM parts, it is advisable to establish a third-party certification mechanism similar to Certified Automotive Parts Association in the U.S. to ensure the quality of non-OEM parts when Taiwan introduces the repair clause.
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