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Title: | 韓國流行音樂在美國: 防彈少年團與混和陽剛味作為進入主流媒體的捷徑 K-Pop in the United States: BTS and Hybrid Masculinity as a Pathway into Mainstream Media |
Authors: | 雪芷 Winter, Jasmine Elif |
Contributors: | 劉曉鵬 Philip Hsiao-Pong Liu 雪芷 Jasmine Elif Winter |
Keywords: | 韓流 混合男性氣概 韓國流行樂隊形成 BTS 跨國文化流動 Hallyu Hybrid Masculinity K-pop Group Formation BTS Transnational Cultural Flows |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 13:47:27 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本主題通過韓國流行音樂探討韓流及其在美國的成功方式。韓國流行音樂在美國取得成功有很多策略,但這項研究是針對韓國流行音樂組合防彈少年團的混合男性氣質。 混合男性氣質可以被認為是韓國流行樂隊連接美國文化邊界的一種方式。這也可以成為這些團體在音樂產業中創造跨國文化流動的一種方式。這項研究的目標是增加人們對男性氣質如何影響全球流行文化的了解。這項研究的結果表明,韓國流行樂隊的發展使得混合型男性氣質可以在樂隊中得到表達。這種混合的陽剛之氣可以在不同時間和不同團體成員的 BTS 中看到。 BTS 展現混合男性氣質的方式可以被視為美國媒體的成功策略。 This topic focuses on the impact of The Korean Wave, specifically through the lens of Korean pop, and the methods that have allowed for its success in the United States. While there are numerous strategies to consider when addressing Korean pop’s growing popularity in the United States, the focus of this research is on hybrid masculinity as it is utilized within the K-pop idol group BTS. By understanding hybrid masculinity as a means with which Korean male idol groups may have successfully crossed cultural boundaries and negotiated their status in the United States, it may be also considered a means with which these groups have facilitated transnational cultural flows within the industry. This research further aims to enrich the current understanding of how global pop culture may be impacted through social constructs such as that of masculinities. The findings indicate that, by addressing how K-pop idol group formation allows for varied and hybridized expressions of masculinity in the group at different phases in time, the ability of the group to cater to hybrid masculinities may be considered a strategy with which these male idol groups have been able to enter United States media successfully and with popular reception. |
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