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Title: | 中國電動車產業分析 Analysis of China’s EV industry: What lies behind such success? |
Authors: | 游艾列 Juřík, Aleš |
Contributors: | 冷則剛 Leng, Tse-Kang 游艾列 Aleš Juřík |
Keywords: | 汽車 電動車 車 策略 中國 Automotive EV Car Strategy China |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 13:45:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | This thesis aimed to analyze China’s electric vehicle industry using the PESTEL framework and SWOT analysis. Additionally, it aimed to establish a theoretical foundation by examining strategic management, forms of economies, companies` ownership, and the automotive industry. The research provided an introduction to the Chinese automotive industry, including its brief history, introduction of main manufacturers, national strategic plans and actions.
The analysis revealed that several factors contributed to the outstanding development into China being the market leader. Government efforts, such as subsidies and tax breaks, played a significant role, while forcing foreign entrants to joint ventures with local automakers to transfer technologies. The size of the domestic market and rapid economic growth also played key roles. Furthermore, the government ensured the development of the upstream industry, including battery production and focus on natural resources. Establishing a comprehensive charging network was identified as a crucial element for success too.
As China now leads the world in electric car production, the thesis explored the future steps for Chinese automakers. These manufacturers have developed manufacturing capabilities that can potentially surpass Western automakers, particularly in terms of low-cost cars and possibly even technologies. Especially developing countries and Europe present new market opportunities, and some Chinese automakers have ambitious plans even in the US.
The findings of this thesis contribute to a foundational understanding of the Chinese EV industry`s development and its current position. Future research could build upon this work. |
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