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    政大典藏 > College of Commerce > International MBA > Theses >  Item 140.119/146486
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    Title: 元宇宙促發創新的機會與挑戰
    Entrepreneurship in the metaverse: exploring the opportunities and challenges of metaverse-enabled technologies
    Authors: 黃成霖
    Huang, Cheng-Lin
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Shari Shang
    Huang, Cheng-Lin
    Keywords: 擴增實境
    Augmented Reality
    Blockchain technology
    Virtual Reality
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:44:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Abstract
    The rapid development of Metaverse-enabled technologies has revolutionized how humans interact and create new experiences. Today, people engage and create new experiences using Metaverse-enabled technologies. Entrepreneurs have never-before-seen opportunities to develop new goods and services in this ecosystem. The paper focuses on various uses of Metaverse-enabled technologies that entrepreneurs can employ within this new space. These uses entail virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchain technologies, cryptocurrencies, and artificial intelligence. It examines the development of the Metaverse, its potential for entrepreneurship, and the main challenges posed by technology supporting it. The paper also explores start-up businesses in the Metaverse with a specific interest in Oculus, a VR company that can access the Metaverse. The findings highlighted in the potential of these technologies to transform various industries and improve user experiences. Virtual reality enables companies to build virtual worlds and interact with customers on a new level, while blockchain offers secure transactions and decentralized marketplaces. Artificial intelligence complements virtual reality and blockchain by enhancing user experiences and enabling personalized content. However, scalability, interoperability, and regulatory challenges must be addressed. The importance of entrepreneurship in the Metaverse will rise as platforms for the Metaverse continue to develop, offering new opportunities for business owners to launch cutting-edge ventures and support societal advancement. The study`s findings unveil the immense potential and complex challenges that are interconnected with entrepreneurial pursuits within the Metaverse.
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