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Title: | 智慧微電網成本有效性之實證研究 Empirical Study of the Cost-Effectiveness of a Smart Microgrid |
Authors: | 林宏濬 Lin, Hung-Chun |
Contributors: | 許志義 吳學良 Hsu, Jyh-Yih Wu, Shiue-Liang 林宏濬 Lin, Hung-Chun |
Keywords: | 智慧微電網 再生能源 太陽光電發電系統 電池儲能系統 電動公車 柴油引擎發電機組 孤島運轉 成本有效性分析 Smart microgrid Renewable energy Solar photovoltaic system Battery energy storage system Electric buses Diesel generators Islanded operation Cost-effectiveness analysis |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 13:41:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著再生能源佔整體發電比重持續上升,電力間歇性問題也逐漸受到重視。因此,近年來各國政府皆持續推動微電網在其國內落地,協助緩解電力供應不穩定之問題並提升電網之韌性與供電品質,亦帶動民間業者投入微電網相關產業。 本研究旨在透過成本有效性分析之研究方法,分別以參與者觀點與整體社會觀點統整國立彰化師範大學(以下簡稱彰師大)之校園型微電網於各模擬模式下的成本項及效益項,並利用淨現值法與益本比法,將各模擬模式下的效益項與成本項進行貨幣化並計算出淨效益後,依據分析結果闡述各模擬模式之經濟意涵。 本研究結果顯示,彰師大以參與者觀點進行模擬模式一,即以靈活運用尖離峰價差達削峰填谷之負載管理時,目前尚不具成本有效性,但敏感度分析指出隨著尖離峰價差擴大將具經濟可行性。此時,若將現行電價制度之尖峰價上調2倍,離峰價下修0.5倍,則於三段式時間電價下,可產生約2,620萬元的淨效益。 接著,彰師大以參與者觀點進行模擬模式二,即參與台電「電力交易平台」之即時備轉輔助服務時,在現行狀況下,尚不建議執行此政策,但敏感度分析表示隨著每日充電時數的下降,則將具有政策執行之優勢。此時,若將每日充電時數下降至2小時,則在三段式時間電價且容量費率為400元的情況下,可獲得約205萬元的淨現值。 最後,彰師大以整體社會觀點進行模擬模式三,即參與台電「電力交易平台」之即時備轉輔助服務與執行孤島運轉模式提供電力給自身與社會第三方使用時,於現階段尚無經濟可行性,但此結果除尚未考量到其他社會價值、社會形象等無形效益外,於敏感度分析亦顯示隨孤島運轉運作之時數上升,則此模擬模式能為社會帶來價值。此時,若校方每年可執行孤島運轉18小時,則在三段式時間電價且容量費率為400元的情況下,可產出約481萬元的整體社會淨效益。 With the continued increase in the proportion of renewable energy in the overall electricity generation mix, the intermittent nature of these energy sources has emerged as a pressing concern. As a result, governments worldwide have actively pursued the implementation of microgrid systems within their respective nations. These endeavors are aimed at addressing the challenges associated with the intermittency of renewable energy and improving the resilience and reliability of the existing power grid infrastructure. Furthermore, these initiatives have stimulated the participation of private sector actors, fostering investment and driving advancements in the field of microgrid-related industries. The objective of this research is to employ a cost-effectiveness analysis methodology to evaluate the cost items and benefits of the campus microgrid system at National Changhua University of Education (NCUE) from the perspectives of both participants and society as a whole. By utilizing the net present value method and the cost-benefit ratio method, the monetary values of the benefits and costs under different simulation scenarios are determined. Subsequently, the net benefits are calculated, and the economic implications of each simulation scenario are elucidated based on the analysis results. The findings of this study demonstrate that, based on the participant`s perspective, implementing Model 1, which involves the flexible utilization of peak-off-peak price differentials for peak shaving and load filling in the campus microgrid system of NCUE, is currently deemed impractical from a policy standpoint. However, sensitivity analysis indicates that widening the peak-off-peak price differential would result in economic benefits. Specifically, if the current electricity pricing system is adjusted by increasing the peak price by twice and decreasing the off-peak price by half, a net benefit of approximately 26.2 million NT dollars can be achieved under a three-tiered time-of-use electricity pricing scheme. Subsequently, adopting the participant`s viewpoint, implementing Model 2, which entails participating in the Taiwan Power Company`s "Electricity Trading Platform" for real-time reserve ancillary services, is not recommended for immediate execution. Nevertheless, sensitivity analysis suggests that reducing the daily charging hours would provide an advantageous scenario for policy implementation. For instance, by decreasing the daily charging hours to 2 hours under a three-tiered time-of-use electricity pricing scheme with a capacity fee rate of 400 NT dollars, an economic benefit of approximately 2.05 million NT dollars can be attained. Lastly, considering the societal perspective, simulating Model 3, which involves participating in the Taiwan Power Company`s "Electricity Trading Platform" for real-time reserve ancillary services and implementing islanded operation mode to provide power to the university and third-party users, currently does not yield economic benefits. However, it should be noted that this result does not take into account other intangible benefits such as social value and reputation. Moreover, sensitivity analysis also indicates that as the duration of islanded operation increases, this simulation model can generate value and enhance societal well-being. For example, if the university can implement 18 hours of islanded operation per year, under a three-tiered time-of-use electricity pricing scheme with a capacity fee rate of 400 NT dollars, an overall societal net benefit of approximately 4.81 million NT dollars can be realized. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經濟學系 110258009 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110258009 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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