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    題名: 電力開放資料之關鍵因素分析及其權重評估
    Study of Weighting Assessment on Key Factors of Electric Open Data
    作者: 林尚汶
    Lin, Shang-Wen
    貢獻者: 許志義

    Hsu, zhi-yi
    Ju, bin-yu

    Lin, Shang-Wen
    關鍵詞: 開放資料
    Open Data
    Industry Transformation
    Analytic Hierarchy Process
    Market Research
    Key Factors
    日期: 2023
    上傳時間: 2023-08-02 13:41:10 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著近年來大數據以及AI蔚為風潮,各界越來越重視資料的應用,不論是大到政府面的機關統計資料,亦或是金融業銀行所持有的客戶資料,這些原本被塵封於櫃上的資料開始逐步被開放以及應用,並透過不同產業的水平合作使得這些資料能創造更多產值。
    接著以層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)評估台灣整體環境是否足夠成熟,是否有利於開放資料的發展,透過安全共享開放資料的方式,重新利用以往存放於臺電公司的數據,藉由跨領域資料運用與其他服務整合,共同創造更大的資料附加價值,為消費者提供嶄新的便捷服務,建立開放資料生態圈。
    With the trend of big data and AI in recent years, people from all walks of life have paid more and more attention to the application of data, whether it is statistical data from government agencies or customer data held by financial banks. The data on the cabinet has been gradually opened and applied, and through the horizontal cooperation of different industries, these data can create more output value.
    "Open Data" can be easily accessed by everyone, machine-readable, free to use, and has no restrictions on use. Its fields include transportation, education, consumer products, electricity, oil and gas, medical care, and consumer finance. This study takes the open data of electric utilities as the research topic, to explore the advantages and disadvantages of open data of electric utilities in Taiwan, and whether it can increase social welfare after the transformation. The study starts from the challenges faced by open government and industrial transformation, and then analyzes the leading countries in the open data of global power utilities and analyzes their success factors.
    Then, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to evaluate whether the overall environment mature enough and whether it is conducive to the development of open data. Through the safe sharing of open data, the data previously stored in Taipower can be reused. The application of domain data is integrated with other services to jointly create greater added value of data, provide consumers with new and convenient services, and establish an open data ecosystem.
    Through a questionnaire survey, this research divides the subjects of the questionnaire into two categories, including experts and student groups. After the questionnaire survey, it is found that both the experts and the student groups believe that the "government regulations and indicators" are the open data of my country`s public electricity industry. The most important key indicators in development. In the empirical results of the overall questionnaire, the order of weights of key factors is: "laws passed by the Legislative in the third reading" (0.0781), "orders that do not require the third reading of the Legislative" (0.0357), "relevant resolutions passed by the board of directors of the power company" ( 0.0322).
    參考文獻: 中文文獻
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