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Title: | 數位化與數位轉型的成功要素:以 Q Burger 為例 The Success Factor of Digitization and Digital Transformation: The Example of Q Burger |
Authors: | 林昱呈 Lin, Yu-Cheng |
Contributors: | 黃家齊 Huang, Jia-Chi 林昱呈 Lin, Yu-Cheng |
Keywords: | 數位化 數位轉型 組織文化 Organization Culture Digitization Digital Transformation |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 13:36:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 進入二十一世紀,人類社會在商業上的營運模式仍在劇烈轉變。相比過往,此時代的企業所能享有的便利與優勢來源之一便是科技的日新月異、數據統計與分析為商業決策帶來的輔助、以及數位工具在例行工作上所帶來的省時省力。因此,「數位化」甚至是更進一步的「數位轉型」所能為企業帶來的營運效率、顧客體驗差異,便成為新的競爭優勢來源。本個案研究以國內早午餐產業目前唯一榮獲國家磐石獎肯定的新興企業Q Burger為研究對象,採深度訪談法蒐集歷史資料,試圖統整出Q Burger數位轉型有成的成功因素,提供有利於企業打造數位轉型的內部環境要領。
採取深度訪談的質化研究方法,與Q Burger的董事長、專案管理師、人力資源管理部門副總與副理、夥伴關係管理部門經理訪談,並參考了Q Burger內部各項政策訂定後指出,Q Burger的數位化有成,源頭可歸功於創辦人/領導人對於數位化推動以身作則,設計的內部制度與機制也使Q Burger員工在接受新事物、擁抱「數位」上相比其他企業,所遭受的阻力更低。數位化推動欲成功,「人本」的重要性並不遜於優良系統。能使組織內部員工發自內心接受「數位化」此轉變對自身工作的意義與效益,並盡力降低員工在學習、適應上的難度與各項門檻,進而打造一個鼓勵學習、嘗試新事物、積極向上的組織文化,就是促使數位轉型成功的隱形推手。 Entering 21st century, the society of humanity is still undergoing fierce change. Compared to companies in the past, one of the advantages enterprises nowadays could take advantage from are the rapid progress of technology and its aid for data analysis, integration and decision making. Therefore, the difference of operating efficiency and customer experience digital transformation can contribute become the new source of competitive advantage. This research takes the example of Q Burger, the sole catering corporation that is honored for National Award of Outstanding SMEs in Taiwan, using in-depth interview and case study method to investigate the success factor of its digital transformation and its key point to design an ideal inner environment for digitization.
By using in-depth interviews, with discussion of its Chairman of the Board of Directors, program managers, the vice president and assistant manager of human resource department, and the manager of the department of partner relation maintenance, this research finds out that the reasons for the success of the digitalization of Q Burger originate from the dedication for digital transformation of the founder himself, designing reasonable mechanism and policy that minimize the refusal of employees and employers for adapting digitalization. The importance of “humanism” is by no mean less than the introduction of excellent information system and software. Enabling employers and employees to understand the meaning and benefit of digitization, lowering the threshold for them to change, learn and adjust, are the invisible key-makers for successful digitization. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 110363091 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110363091 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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