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    Title: 以資源基礎理論探討台灣支付閘道公司成長策略個案研究
    A Case Study on the Growth Strategies of Taiwan Payment Gateway Companies based on Resource-Based Theory
    Authors: 鄭葦彥
    Cheng, Wei-Yen
    Contributors: 陳恭
    Cheng, Wei-Yen
    Keywords: 支付閘道
    Payment Gateway
    Resource-Based Theory
    Sustainable Competitive Advantage
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:35:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著電子商務的蓬勃發展,第三方金流產業的版圖不斷擴張,通路平台與金流服務之間的界線也逐漸模糊。T 公司是一家成立於2015年的金流服務公司,在台灣成為首家提供銀行與電子商戶間金流串接的支付閘道公司,並隨著Apple Pay在台灣推出而取得成功。2022 年 4 月 P集團子公司W公司宣布與T 公司透過換股方式合併,進一步深化雙方在電子商務與金流服務的合作。
    本研究採用個案研究方法,透過訪問T 公司執行長取得第一手資訊,希望透過研究W公司與T 公司的合併個案,探討金融科技創新下B2B第三方金流產業的發展策略和未來展望。此研究希望能夠為更多新創金融科技企業在構思營運策略時提供參考依據,並且釐清以下問題:
    1.探討T 公司和W公司擁有哪些資源和優勢,促使T 公司決定合併。
    2.探討合併後,T 公司未來發展與如何持續維持競爭優勢。
    1.T 公司在台灣市場核心優勢在於其與Apple Pay 的獨特歷史因素,其次是商業模式與通路客戶關係;W公司核心優勢在於其與銀行間的信任與高額融通能力,其次是長年風管經營能力。而W公司所具備之優勢,有助於T 公司發展消費分期業務,擴展支付版圖。
    2.T 公司之競爭優勢來自於其與Apple Pay和顧客信任關係。故資安議題的衝擊與 Google、Samsung 支付等競爭者的反擊,都將是重擊T 公司持續性競爭優勢的關鍵議題。T 公司應強化資安維護與用戶體驗,持續鞏固其與客戶關係,持續增加獲利死亡谷的寬度,讓其成為護城河,提高競爭者進入之難度。
    T Company, established in 2015, became the first payment gateway company in Taiwan to facilitate payment integration between banks and e-merchants. It achieved success with the launch of Apple Pay in Taiwan. In April 2022, P Group subsidiary W Company announced a merger with T Company through a stock swap.
    This research adopts a case study approach, obtaining firsthand information through interviews with the CEO of T Company. The aim is to explore the development strategies and future prospects of the B2B third-party payment industry under financial technology innovation, using the merger case of W Company and T Company as a basis. This study hopes to provide reference for more fintech startups when formulating operational strategies and clarify the following issues:
    1. Investigate the resources and advantages possessed by T Company and W Company that prompted T Company`s decision to merge with W Company.
    2. Explore T Company`s future development and how it can sustain its competitive advantage after the merger.
    This study primarily employs the resource-based theory as the main research framework. Starting from understanding the internal resources and capabilities of both companies, it analyzes their original competitive advantages and merger motives. Furthermore, recommendations are proposed on how to sustain competitive advantages and mitigate potential threats after the merger. The research findings are as follows:
    1.T Company`s core advantages lie in its unique historical factors with Apple Pay, followed by its business model and channel customer relationships. W Company`s core advantages lie in its trust and high-value liquidity capability with banks, followed by its long-term risk management capabilities. These advantages of W Company contribute to T Company`s development of consumer installment services and expansion of its payment landscape.
    2.The impact of cybersecurity issues and counterattacks from competitors will be critical factors affecting T Company`s sustained competitive advantage. T Company should strengthen its cybersecurity maintenance, continuously consolidate its customer relationships, and make it a moat that raises the difficulty for competitors to enter.
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