题名: | ESG倡議與管制政策之跨國性研究—以維修權為例 A Cross-National Study of ESG Advocacy and Regulatory Policy: The Case of Right of Repair |
作者: | 呂欣融 Lu, Hsin-Jung |
贡献者: | 戚務君 呂欣融 Lu, Hsin-Jung |
关键词: | ESG 2050淨零碳排 維修權 |
日期: | 2023 |
上传时间: | 2023-08-02 13:27:33 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 近年國際推動ESG發展,確立2050年淨零碳排的目標,各國基於此目標紛紛推動關於減少排放之計畫和政策,以及擬定減排承諾之立法,展現實現淨零碳排之雄心。本研究透過梳理氣候相關的ESG發展,進而探討各國於達成淨零碳排所為之政策。由於與淨零碳排相關之政策範圍甚廣,加上許多政策與循環經濟密切相關,因此,為了更聚焦探討其中一項減排政策,本研究選擇循環經濟其中一項應用——「維修權」,作為淨零碳排政策的重點研究對象,並探討歐美國家和臺灣相關之政策及法規。最後,根據歐美的政策和經驗,結合筆者自身的看法,給予臺灣日後推動維修權政策時之建議。 In recent years, the international community has promoted ESG development and established the goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Based on this goal, countries have promoted plans and policies to reduce emissions and drafted legislation for emission reduction commitments, demonstrating their ambition to achieve net-zero carbon emissions. This study examines the policies of countries to achieve net-zero carbon emissions through a review of climate-related ESG developments. Because of the wide range of policies related to net-zero carbon emissions and many of them are closely related to the circular economy, in order to focus on one of the emission reduction policies, this study selects one of the applications of the circular economy, the "right to repair", as the main target of net-zero carbon emissions policies, and examines the relevant policies and regulations in Europe, United States and Taiwan. Finally, based on the policies and experiences in Europe and the United States, and combined with the author`s own views, the author offers suggestions for Taiwan to promote the right to repair policy in the future. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計學系 110353044 |
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