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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 會計學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/146383
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    Title: 主管對於指派業務目標的說服方法與員工對業務目標的接受程度:實驗研究證據
    Supervisors` Persuasion Tactics in Assigning Target and Subordinates` Acceptance of the Target: Experimental Evidence
    Authors: 林雀華
    Lin, Chueh-Hua
    Contributors: 吳安妮

    Wu, Anne
    Yin, Huaxiang

    Lin, Chueh-Hua
    Keywords: 說服方法
    Persuasion Tactics
    Target Difficulty
    Target Acceptance
    Target Setting
    Supervisor–Subordinate Relationship
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:22:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究採用情境式實驗設計,探討主管對於員工指派業務目標的說服方法如何影響員 工之目標接受程度。本研究預期並發現,主管的說服方法是可以提高員工的目標接受 程度。且本研究更進一步發現,相較於邊緣途徑 (Peripheral Route)的說服方法的影響, 中央途徑(Central Route)的說服方法才能有效提高員工的目標接受程度。再者,在目標難度極高的組別下,主管採用中央途徑的說服方法,使員工有較高的意願於工作上的付出及達標的企圖心。除此之外,本研究亦發現主管採用中央途徑的說服方法 下,亦可提升員工的正面情緒且同時降低負面情緒。綜上所述,本研究的實驗結果,對於目標設定的理論提出更進一步的貢獻以及對於主管與員工的關係有實務上的貢獻。
    This study uses a scenario experiment to investigate how supervisors’ persuasion tactics affects subordinates’ target acceptance in the target setting process. I predict and find that employing persuasion routes in convincing target to subordinates improves subordinates’ target acceptance. Specifically, relative to no persuasion, using the central-route persuasion tactics improves subordinates’ target acceptance, whereas using the peripheral-route persuasion tactics does not improve subordinates’ target acceptance. Noteworthily, subordinates in the extremely challenging target group have higher intentions to exert their effort and to attain the target when their supervisor employs the central-route persuasion. I further find that, in comparison with no persuasion, as well as the peripheral-route persuasion, using the central-route persuasion can increase subordinates’ positive emotions and reduce their negative emotions. Taken together, this study contributes to target setting theory and has important practical implications for the supervisor–subordinate relationship.
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