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Title: | 銀髮族生活自理能力及健康管理產業經營模式之研究 Self-care Ability and Health Management Business Model for the Elderly Population |
Authors: | 鄭鴻傑 Cheng, Hung-Chieh |
Contributors: | 宋皇志 Sung, Huang-chih 鄭鴻傑 Cheng, Hung-Chieh |
Keywords: | 策略行銷分析 4C分析 銀髮族 交易成本理論 高齡化社會 健康促進 運動產業 健身俱樂部 Strategic marketing analysis 4C analysis Transaction cost theory Health management Aging society Sports industry Fitness clubs |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-08-02 13:18:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 研究背景與目的:高齡社會造成人口結構的改變,老年疾病症候群的人口也隨之增加。65歲以上的高齡族群在醫療支出占比高達39.8%,造成社會醫療的巨大負擔。規律運動可以延緩衰老過程中產生的疾病或殘疾,對老年人的健康非常重要。醫療院所處理的老年人是相對嚴重的個案,而且量能有限,要做到全民健康促進,有賴政府政策的倡導,和民營運動休閒產業的配合。本研究目的為分折不同事業體對銀髮族健康管理產業經營模式之差異和優劣,希望透過本研究提供給經營者,甚至政府政策推行的參考,以打造適合中高齡者的健康管理環境。 研究方法:本論文使用質性研究中的案例研究方法進行。第一階段從學術期刊、研討會論文、書籍和案例研究中蒐集數據,了解產業現狀和案例機構的運營情況。第二階段對公司主管進行深度訪談,驗證前期文獻分析的結果,加深對案例的了解。最後以邱志聖(2020)所提出的「策略行銷分析架構」(外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本與專屬陷入成本)分析和比較個案的經營模式。 個案介紹與分折:外顯單位效益成本(C1)在T醫院最低,因一般民眾以健保的低價格,就可獲得醫學中心的品質,產品的性價比程度(C/P值)最高。但現今銀髮族很多都願意付費來得到更好的使用體驗,所以機構在策略行銷時,就要針對目標市場,做好市場區隔和定位。買者資訊搜尋成本(C2) 以T高齡復健名聲最高,資訊搜尋成本最低,其次是WG,最後是YM工作室。買者道德危機成本(C3)T和YM都非常好, 但WG有比較多負面印象,消費糾紛也是最多。買者專屬陷入成本(C4),T醫院因其病歷、檢查記錄、品牌、名醫號召力而最高。 結論與建議:1)高齡長者的安養、醫療和生活經濟已成為重要議題,也是國家未來發展的方向。2)民眾要求的服務品質已不只有訓練的本身,也包含其他附加價值,如時間成本、服務環境、交通、設備的多元性、科技化和內心形象滿足等。所以經營策略之差異與優劣,是產業發展的關鍵。展望未來運動服務業的發展初期應以政府積極輔導為主,短期以擴大市場並增加相關專業人才需求。長期以輔導產業穩定主動發展與成長,注重專業人才教育培育,以促進銀髮族運動產業發展。 Background and Purpose: The aging population has caused changes in the population structure, leading to an increase in the population with geriatric disease syndromes. The elderly population aged 65 and above accounts for a significant proportion of healthcare expenditures, imposing a significant burden on society. Regular exercise can delay the onset of diseases or disabilities associated with aging and is crucial for the health of older adults. Healthcare institutions deal with relatively severe cases among the elderly, and their capacity is limited. Achieving nationwide health promotion relies on government policy advocacy and cooperation with the private sports and leisure industry. The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the differences and advantages of different organizations` health management business models for the elderly, aiming to provide insights to operators and even government policy implementation in creating a suitable health management environment for middle-aged and elderly individuals. Methods: This thesis adopts a qualitative research method, specifically a case study approach. In the first stage, data is collected from academic journals, conference papers, books, and case studies to understand the industry`s current situation and the operation of case organizations. In the second stage, in-depth interviews are conducted with company executives to validate the results of the literature analysis and gain a deeper understanding of the cases. Finally, the business models of the cases are analyzed and compared using the "Strategic Marketing Analysis Framework" proposed by Jyh-Shen Chiou (2020), which includes external unit benefit cost, information search cost, moral crisis cost, and exclusive commitment cost. Case Introduction and Analysis: The cost of buyer utility(C1) is the lowest in T Hospital, as the public can obtain the quality of a medical center at a low price through the National Health Insurance, resulting in the highest cost-effectiveness ratio (C/P value). However, nowadays, many elderly individuals are willing to pay for a better user experience. Therefore, when implementing strategic marketing, institutions should focus on target markets, market segmentation, and positioning. Regarding buyer information search cost (C2), T Geriatric Rehabilitation has the highest reputation and the lowest information search cost, followed by WG and YM Studio. In terms of buyer ethical crisis cost (C3), both T and YM are excellent, but WG has more negative impressions and a higher number of consumer disputes. For buyer asset specificity (C4), T Hospital has the highest cost due to its medical records, examination records, brand, and the attraction of famous doctors. Conclusion and Recommendations: 1) The care, medical treatment, and living economy of the elderly have become important issues and the direction of the country`s future development. 2) The service quality demanded by the public is not limited to training itself but also includes other added values, such as time cost, service environment, transportation, equipment diversity, technological advancements, and inner satisfaction. Therefore, the differences and advantages in business strategies are key to the development of the industry. Looking ahead, the initial development of the sports service industry should be actively guided by the government, with short-term goals of expanding the market and increasing the demand for related professionals. In the long run, industry stability and proactive development should be emphasized, focusing on professional talent education and cultivation to promote the development of the sports industry for the elderly. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 109932177 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109932177 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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