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    Title: 以4C策略行銷架構分析 開放銀行可行性-以台灣環境為例
    4C Framework of Strategic Marketing Analysis of Open Banking:A Case Study of Taiwan
    Authors: 徐維辰
    Hsu, Wei-Chen
    Contributors: 邱志聖
    Jyh-Shen Chiou
    Hsu, Wei-Chen
    Keywords: 開放銀行
    Open Banking
    4C framework of strategic marketing
    Open API
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:10:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 開放銀行將銀行持有的顧客資料開放給予新進者,嘗試創新、研發不同金融科技服務,使大眾能夠使用多樣化服務,實現場景金融的願景。
    首先藉「4C 策略行銷架構」分析台灣市場中開放銀行對消費者的益處:
    (一) 短期經營策略:成為先進者共同制定規範與標準,減少法遵成本;與第三方業者合作,延伸多樣化金融服務,拓展目標客群種類。
    (二) 中期經營策略:汲取第三方業者經驗,鎖定特定目標客群提供特色服務;確立品牌特色,降低資訊搜尋成本,提升目標客群市占率。
    (三) 長期經營策略:減低對產品專屬資產依賴,建立人員或系統的無形專屬資產;建立無形專屬資產後,了解客戶輪廓,提升顧客效益。
    Open Banking helps innovate and develop various financial technology services by enhancing customers’ fluidity among different banks and allowing new entrants to access customer data held by banks. Through 4C Framework of Strategic Marketing Analysis on Open Banking, we can find the effects on customers:
    The first effect is Explicit Unit Cost, which involves an increase in the number of financial services available in the market, offering a wide range of service types and formats to customers. The second effect is Searching Costs. Consumers can reduce search costs by easily finding high-quality services with the help of open banking. Hazard Costs can also be minimized through government and bank verification, reducing the risk of third-party providers leaking personal information. Lastly, Switching Costs are lowered by Open Banking, allowing consumers to switch between different service providers more easily.
    On the other hand, there are also some effects on the banks:
    First, in terms of Explicit Unit Cost, Banks can cooperate with third-party providers, expanding their customer base. Integration of information among subsidiaries also reduces administrative costs. However, The entry of third-party providers might affect the profit of banks. The second effect is Searching Costs. , as banks can no longer rely solely on the difficulty of switching accounts, and those with unique brand images are more likely to gain favor among customers. Third, Moral Hazard Costs arise if third-party providers mishandle or leak personal information, which may hinder transaction opportunities. Finally, there is a possibility that banks may lose their product-related exclusive assets, lowering customers’ switching costs. To counter this, banks can strengthen their personnel and system-related exclusive assets, thereby enhancing customer retention.
    This study also proposes some feasible strategies for commercial banks:
    1. Short-term Business Strategy: Become pioneers of Open Banking to jointly establish standards, reducing compliance costs; collaborate with third-party providers to expand diversified services and target specific customer segments.
    2. Medium-term Business Strategy: Learn from the experience of third-party providers and target specific customer segments by providing services; Establish a distinctive brand image to reduce information search costs and increase market share among the target customer segment.
    3. Long-term Business Strategy: Decrease reliance on product-related relationships and build relationships between employees and customers and database of them. Furthermore, analyze the data of customers to enhance customer benefits.
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