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    Title: 社群網紅的粉絲名對粉絲在社交媒體上對代言產品的行為意圖的影響
    Impact of Influencer Fandom Name on Followers` Behavioral Intentions Toward the Endorsed Products in Social Media
    Authors: 朱彩慈
    Chu, Tsai-Tzu
    Contributors: 鄭濬浩
    Chung, June-Ho
    Chu, Tsai-Tzu
    Keywords: 網紅行銷
    Influencer marketing
    Social media influencers
    Fandom name
    Behavioral intentions
    Social identity theory (SIT)
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-08-02 13:10:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,在網路社群媒體的快速興起下,網紅行銷成為學術與實務界中十分受到重視的一大策略,社群網紅帶給產品行銷的優點受到越來越多的關注與討論。由於網紅在社群平台上受到許多消費者的認同與喜愛,越來越多品牌商會選擇與網紅合作來推廣商品,進而加強消費者對該產品的行為意圖;網紅也會盡力優化自身影響力,以爭取更多品牌商的親睞與合作。其中,就像許多藝人、電影、運動團體等會為粉絲族群命名,這樣的風潮在網紅圈中也開始變得流行。本研究探討了在網紅行銷內容文案中使用專屬粉絲名對消費者行為意圖的影響,包含消費意願與正面評價意願,也藉由社會認同理論了解其關係。本研究隨機對美國的 160 名受試者進行了網路問卷調查。結果表明,專屬粉絲名的使用並沒有直接顯著的影響消費者對該產品的行為意圖。然而,網紅們在使用粉絲名時,會藉由加強粉絲對粉絲群的歸屬感來影響粉絲們的行為意圖,而粉絲們的同理心強弱,則會對此效果產生調節效果。本文研究發現粉絲名是網紅得以善用的行銷手法之一,也是廠商在挑選合作網紅時能參考的選擇標準。
    Discussions on the benefits of social media influencers in product endorsements are gaining attention. As a new trend in recent period, numerous influencers have been assigned exclusive names for their followers. However, it is uncertain whether these efforts will pay off by individuals engaging with them. To figure out the outcomes it may bring out, this research explored the impact of utilizing fandom names in influencer content on consumers` behavioral intentions. An online survey involving 160 participants through Amazon Mechanical Turk was conducted. The results showed that the presence of fandom names did not affect behavioral intentions directly. However, the presence of fandom names shows significantly positive effect on followers’ sense of belonging to the fandoms. Additionally, the results proved beneficial in terms of individuals` psychological reactions based on social identity theory. Specifically, by incorporating fandom names in influencer marketing content, influencers can enhance followers` sense of belonging, leading to positive influences on their behavioral intentions. These findings enrich the theoretical understanding of influencer marketing by uncovering a novel factor and offer valuable insights for brands and influencers to enhance their performance and effectiveness in influencer marketing.
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