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Title: | 網路購物詐欺之刑事責任與防範機制 Criminal Liability and Prevention Mechanisms for Online Shopping Fraud |
Authors: | 林振德 Lin, Chen-Te |
Contributors: | 許恒達 Hsu, Heng-Da 林振德 Lin, Chen-Te |
Keywords: | 刑事責任 網購詐欺 消費者保護 電子商務 預防詐騙 防範機制 刑法第339條 Fraud Prevention Criminal liability Online shopping fraud Consumer Protection e-Commerce |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 17:02:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘要 在現今新興之電子商務發展中,消費者和賣家之間的糾紛原本為民法上之買賣關 係及債務不履行。但由於這些交易在網路購物平台上進行,因此涉及到平台技術能 力、線上電子支付方式、訂單物流、客服等流程,進而產生許多個資外洩、信用卡盜 刷、詐騙式購物網頁、郵寄詐騙包裹等問題。這些問題牽涉到消費者保護法和刑法中 的詐欺和偽造文書等罪責。當消費者認為賣家使用詐術並造成他們遭受財物損失時, 如何在消費爭議的處理方式和刑法詐欺罪之間找到一個調適的方法,來處理網路購物 所帶來的問題?而詐騙集團無所不用其極的利用購物平台的交易資訊及個資外洩進行 詐騙,政府部門除了不斷地宣導防詐之外,該如何在這個新興產業領域中有效地遏止 詐騙行為呢? 根據上述之問題意識及思考過程,本文之論文架構擬做如下之規劃。本文架構共 分為五章: 第一章 緒論。說明本研究之動機與目的、所採行之研究方法與範圍以及敘述之架 構,俾使讀者能快速理解本文之議題核心及邏輯所在,以期讀者能據以評估本文是否 具參考價值及能快速找到各核心議題內容及其位置所在。 第二章 電子商務交易模式。主要說明目前台灣電子商務的定義及發展的現況。再 分析電子商務交易模式及網路購物流程。針對線上購物之訂購流程與付款機制,使讀 者深入了解這些流程與潛在的刑事責任關聯性。最後說明從金流的支付態樣以及個資 外洩,所導致之刑事責任與犯罪隱憂。 第三章 網路購物可能涉及之刑事責任。說明與網路購物詐欺相關之刑法法條,對 於實務操作及學理釋義之解析。透過三個基本案例說明關聯到網路購物的普通詐欺罪 該當要件,以及四個特殊案例,以案例事實、法院見解及裁判評析方式,闡述基於刑 法最後手段性,以及現行其他管制手段之欠缺,以思考刑罰以外之防範機制。 第四章 網路購物詐欺之防範機制。提出三個不同的面向來思考除了刑法最後手段性以外,可能的詐欺防範機制方向。首先以消費者的自我覺醒及認知層面著手,再則以電商銷售的平台業者及網購店家應有的管理作為,最後從政府主管機關的監理措施 及法律制度可以改善的建議面向提出探討。 第五章 結論。僅就本文之研究成果,做全面性之彙整及說明。結論建議應思考研 議體系化的電子商務專法,以解決本文所提及之刑法規範之有限性、跨部會管制欠缺 一致性之問題。並且在立法管制上做到縱向整合,從源頭管理,以確保詐欺犯行之究責。 Abstract In the current emerging development of e-commerce, disputes between consumers and sellers were originally based on the civil law of sales and non-performance of obligations. As these transactions take place on online shopping platforms, they involve platform technological capabilities, electronic payment methods, order, logistics, customer service, and other pro- cesses, which in turn give rise to issues such as personal data breaches, credit card fraud, fraud- ulent shopping websites, and fraudulent packages sent through delivery services. These prob- lems involve consumer protection laws and criminal offenses such as fraud and forgery of doc- uments in the criminal law. When consumers believe that sellers have used deception and caused them financial loss, how can a balanced approach be found between the handling of consumer disputes and criminal fraud offenses to address the issues arising from online shop- ping? Moreover, fraud groups go to great lengths to exploit transaction information and per- sonal data leaks on shopping platforms for fraudulent activities. Besides continuous advocacy against fraud by government agencies, how can fraudulent behavior be effectively curbed in this emerging industry? Based on the above awareness of the issues and thought process, the structure of this paper is planned as follows. The structure of this paper is divided into five chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction. It explains the motivation, objectives, research methods, scope, and structure of this study, allowing readers to quickly understand the core issues and logical framework of this paper. This enables readers to evaluate the reference value of this paper and quickly locate the content and position of each core issue. Chapter 2: E-commerce transaction models. It mainly describes the current definition and development status of e-commerce in Taiwan. It further analyzes the e-commerce transaction models and online shopping processes. It focuses on the ordering process and payment mech- anisms in online shopping, allowing readers to gain a deeper understanding of the correlation between these processes and potential criminal liability patterns. Finally, it explains the crimi- nal liability patterns and hidden criminal concerns resulting from the payment patterns of funds and personal data breaches. Chapter 3: Criminal liabilities possibly involved in online shopping. It explains the rele- vant provisions of criminal law related to online shopping fraud and provides practical opera- tional and theoretical interpretations. Through three basic cases, it illustrates the essential ele- ments of ordinary fraud offenses related to online shopping, as well as four special cases, using case facts, court opinions, and analysis of judgments to elaborate on the deficiencies in criminal law as a last resort and the lack of existing regulatory measures, aiming to consider preventive mechanisms beyond punishment. Chapter 4: Preventive mechanisms for criminal liabilities in online shopping. It presents three different perspectives to consider possible fraud prevention mechanisms apart from the ultimate punitive measures of criminal law. It starts with consumer self-awareness and cogni- tive aspects, then focuses on the management responsibilities of e-commerce platform opera- tors and online retailers, and finally discusses regulatory measures and suggested improve- ments in the legal system by government regulatory authorities. Chapter 5: Conclusion. It provides a comprehensive summary and explanation of the re- search results of this paper. The conclusion suggests considering the establishment of a sys- tematic e-commerce special law to address the limitations of criminal law norms mentioned in this paper and the lack of consistency in cross-departmental regulation. It also emphasizes the need for vertical integration in legislative regulation, starting from source management, to en- sure the investigation and accountability of fraudulent activities. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法學院碩士在職專班 107961002 |
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