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    Title: 親子關係與青少年拒學之關係:以情緒調節為中介變項
    The Relationship between Parent-Child Relationship and Adolescents’ School Refusal: Emotional Regulation as a Mediator
    Authors: 李佩蓉
    LI, Pei-Rong
    Contributors: 陳婉真
    Chen, Wan-Chen
    LI, Pei-Rong
    Keywords: 拒學
    School refusal
    Emotion regulation
    Parent-child relationship
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2023-07-06 17:02:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究背景與目的:本研究係探討青少年親子關係、情緒調節及拒學傾向三者間之關係,並分析情緒調節在親子關係與拒學傾向間的中介效果。研究方法:研究對象為296名國中學生,年齡介於13-15歲之間,男生148人,女生148人。資料分析方法為結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)。結果與討論:SEM結果顯示:(1)假設模型與研究資料有不錯的適配程度(RMSEA = 0.53, CFI = 0.95, IFI = 0.95);(2)親子親密愈高時,認知再評估亦愈高(β = .44, p < .001)、但對表達壓抑及拒學傾向無顯著影響;(3)親子衝突愈高時,表達壓抑亦愈高(β = .50, p < .001)、但對認知再評估及拒學傾向無顯著影響;(4)認知再評估會降低拒學傾向(β = -.30, p < .001),而表達壓抑則提高拒學傾向(β = .48 , p < .001)。中介分析顯示,親子親密透過認知再評估顯著降低拒學傾向(β = -.10 , p < .05),而親子衝突透過表達壓抑顯著提高拒學傾向(β = .21, p < .01)。結果說明,青少年的情緒調節在親子關係與拒學傾向之間具有中介效果,親子親密會提高認知再評估,進而減低拒學傾向;親子衝突則會提高表達壓抑,進而提高拒學傾向。根據上述結果,本研究具體說明情緒調節對於親子關係對青少年拒學傾向之意義,並提出相關的教育實務與研究建議。
    Research background and purpose: The research is to explore the relationship between parent-child relationship, emotion regulation and school refusal tendency of adolescents. The study analyzes the mediating role of emotion regulation between parent-child relationship and school refusal tendency. Research method: The research objects are 296 middle school students, aged between 13-15 years old, 148 boys and 148 girls. The data analysis method is structural equation modeling (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM). Results and discussion: SEM results showed: (1) The hypothetical model had a good degree of fit with the research data (RMSEA = 0.53, CFI = 0.95, IFI = 0.95); (2) The higher the parent-child intimacy, the better the cognitive reappraisal (β = .44, p < .001), but had no significant effect on expression repression and school refusal tendency; (3) The higher the parent-child conflict, the higher the expression repression (β = .50, p < .001), but had no significant effect on cognitive reappraisal and school refusal tendency; (4) Cognitive reappraisal would reduce school refusal tendency (β = -.30, p < .001), while expressive repression would increase school refusal tendency (β = .48, p < .001). Mediation analysis showed that parent-child intimacy significantly reduced school refusal tendency through cognitive reappraisal (β = -.10, p < .05), while parent-child conflict significantly increased school refusal tendency through expressive repression (β = .21, p < .01). The results show that adolescents` emotional regulation plays a partial mediating role between parent-child relationship and school refusal tendency. Parent-child intimacy will increase cognitive reappraisal, thereby reducing school refusal tendency; parent-child conflict will increase expressive repression, thereby increasing school refusal tendency. Based on the above results, this study specifically clarifies the significance of emotion regulation on parent-child relationship and adolescents` school refusal tendency, and puts forward relevant educational practice and research suggestions.
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