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Title: | 官僚回應性認知及其對參與式治理態度的影響:Q與R方法論之整合性研究 The Cognitions of Bureaucratic Responsiveness and Its Influence on Attitudes toward Participatory Governance: A Research Integrating Q and R Methodologies |
Authors: | 陳揚中 Chen, Yang-Chung |
Contributors: | 陳敦源 Chen, Don-Yun 陳揚中 Chen, Yang-Chung |
Keywords: | 官僚回應性 主體性 Q方法論 混合方法研究 工作要求-資源模型 Bureaucratic responsiveness Subjectivity Q methodology mixed-methods research Job demand-resource model (JD-R Model) |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-07-06 16:56:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 官僚人員是作為國家運作與公共服務的核心體系與關鍵角色,如果希望探究公共行政的本質,自然也無法忽略官僚的主體性及其影響,然而公共行政領域過往相對較著重規範性理論的發展,而長期忽略對官僚主體性的重視,也對於適用於主體性研究的Q方法論少有關注。本研究針對公共行政領域的關鍵議題官僚回應性為研究主題,以參與式治理的發展與影響為脈絡,探討當代民主治理的圖像轉變,爬梳官僚回應性的概念與研究發展,並藉由整合Q與R方法論的混合方法研究途徑,針對官僚回應性認知與對推動參與式治理政策之態度影響進行研究。本研究首先透過Q方法論的研究途徑探索與重構官僚本身對於官僚回應性的代表性認知類型,藉此深化對於官僚回應性的理解,同時也補充官僚回應性的經驗性研究大多著重於回應結果層面的測量,缺乏對於官僚如何思考與權衡多元回應要求的理解。對此,本研究針對臺北市政府公務人員為例,從中發現並詮釋出三種主要的官僚回應性認知類型,分別為:一、意向社群主義的烏托邦官僚;二、受制關係文化的官僚多元主義;三、重視中立能力的首長代理人。此外,本研究並基於此研究成果,進一步針對臺北市政府區公所之公務人員進行問卷調查,藉此了解三種官僚回應性認知類型在臺北市政府區公所公務人員當中的自我認同狀況,以及可能影響其認同程度的因素外,並配合工作要求-資源模型,以官僚回應性認知為官僚的關鍵心理資源變數,檢視其在工作要求、工作資源,以及對於推動參與式治理政策態度間的影響關係。最後,本研究針對官僚回應性認知及其對於推動參與式治理政策態度之影響等研究結果,以及Q與R方法論的混合方法研究設計與操作進行討論,並針對後續研究精進和相關實務發展提出建議。 Bureaucrats are the core role in the operation of the state. Therefore, their subjectivity and influence cannot be ignored when exploring the essence of public administration. However, the development of normative theories has been relatively emphasized in the field of public administration, while the importance of bureaucratic subjectivity has been neglected for a long time. Additionally, there has been little attention given to the Q methodology, which is applicable for subjectivity research. This study focuses on the core issue in the field of public administration, namely bureaucratic responsiveness, and conduct a mixed-methods research approach that combines Q and R methodologies to explore and analyze bureaucratic subjectivity. Against the background of the development and impact of participatory governance, this study describes the changes in the image of democratic governance, the impact on the concept of bureaucratic responsiveness, and further investigates the cognition of bureaucratic responsiveness and its effect on attitudes towards promoting policy of participatory governance. Firstly, by using the Q methodology, this study explores and reconstructs three representative cognitive types of bureaucratic responsiveness from public servants in the Taipei City Government: (1) Utopian bureaucrats of Communitarianism; (2) Bureaucratic pluralism under the constraint of Guanxi; (3) executive agents who value neutral ability. That supplements previous experiential researches on bureaucratic responsiveness, which mainly focus on measuring response results but lack understanding of how bureaucrats think and weigh multiple response requirements. In addition, this study conducts a questionnaire survey of public servants in the district offices of the Taipei City Government to understand their self-identity regarding the three types of cognitive bureaucratic responsiveness. Furthermore, this study examines the impact of bureaucratic responsiveness cognition, job demand, job resources towards attitudes of promoting participatory governance policy, which coordinated with the job demand-resource model. Finally, this study proposes suggestions for the design of the mixed-methods research integrating Q and R methodologies. |
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